Example sentences of "together the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is the absurdly pompous Pons who ostensibly pieces together the scattered evidence of Urim 's past .
2 The new workforce has provided the resources to put together the new reports , and to provide more support for ACARD .
3 The German Ideology is often seen with the Theses on Feuerbach , which was written just before it , as forming together the first formulation of Marxism .
4 For everyone else , it really does n't matter , because the detective work is going to lead to applications for us today , as disciples who follow in the footsteps of Matthew the apostle and whoever it was who put together the first gospel of the New testament .
5 Now six months behind in getting version one out the door , SAG has just pulled together the first snapshot of technologies which the specification will use .
6 It was already chaotically busy with officials and administrators knitting together the many responsibilities which would eventually make a successful tournament .
7 When this is fired into the slot in the lower ball it brings together the critical mass of Plutonium 239 in two millionths of a second .
8 So this talks about putting together the comprehensive training and development policy , and training plan , that we need to get to get I I P to demonstrate .
9 There are even more ways of putting together the scrambled parts of a human .
10 I intend putting together the internal views I have received on Monday next .
11 Table 14.1 brings together the available information on the growth in the numbers of people dependent on means-tested welfare .
12 As the DEA was plainly out to get him , and had blocked all access to the files he needed to clear himself , the only avenue open to him was to work with Pan Am , in the common interest of getting at the truth , using his training and experience to piece together the best defence he could .
13 The BBC would , at that stage , have had a generalist — the standard habit when I arrived in the field was that they would have a generalist producer , researcher , or somebody writing the script , cobbling together the best knowledge , whether the producer or researcher had worked on archaeology last time , flower-arranging next time , what have you after that …
14 The Scottish Development Department states , in an accompanying circular , that the code draws together the best elements of current inquiry practice .
15 In this final stage of the diet we are looking to put together the best diet for your own metabolism and make-up , based on your findings .
16 They aim to collect together the best practices from within the group .
17 The Government set up a Public Schools Commission to investigate the Direct Grant Schools : this brought together the sixty Heads of Direct Grant schools in the Headmasters ' Conference in much the same way as the Taunton Commission had led to the creation of the Conference itself in 1869 .
18 They went together , they 've been somewhere together the other night .
19 Mix together the other ingredients and pile onto the potatoes .
20 However , together the two concepts offer a starting point for the development of an approach to assessment which is systematic , holistic , and incorporates the principle of user and carer participation .
21 God 's providential intentions were realized by Constantine : Augustus had united the world under Roman rule , Christ under God 's , and Constantine welded together the two unities in a Christian society which was , in principle , universal .
22 Together the two companies bid almost £53m to retain their 10 year broadcasting licences in last year 's franchise auction .
23 Thus he held together the two things which in the Enlightenment tended to fall apart , and to be defined in opposition to each other — faith against knowledge , revelation against reason .
24 Drawing together the two strands of our research proposal , we would hypothesise that the process of accommodation to changes in the social construction of marriage and marriage problems which forced the NMGC to reassess its goals , also involved a shift from a movement broadly committed to the defence of the institution of marriage to an increasingly specialised agency , treating marital problems as the products of new-type privatised marital relationships .
25 In deciding to get together the two firms reveal that they think this union will be in their private interest , but we must ask whether mergers are in the public interest .
26 Screw together the two strips ( it may be desired to alter the overlay in the future ) .
27 Together the two theses present a comprehensive view of the nature and role of legitimate authority .
28 Together the two divisions are likely to provide the entire increase in the company 's taxable profits this year .
29 On Sept. 16 Rubia had explained the move to establish a new party " as a strategy that could help bring together the two factions of [ FORD ] " .
30 Menshevik and SR sympathizers dominated the soldiers ' committees ; among the peasantry the SRs enjoyed far more support than any other party ; the Mensheviks were most prominent in the trade unions ; together the two parties won large majorities in municipal duma elections which began in May ; and in June they dominated the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets and consolidated control of its Central Executive Committee ( CEC ) .
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