Example sentences of "together [prep] the fact " in BNC.

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1 Poor irrigation , transport , education , and medicine multiplied the chances of disaster , together with the fact that even in good years many peasants hardly existed above subsistence level .
2 With hindsight it perhaps seems strange that one of the indisputably greatest figures in the whole of Western art devoted the better part of his life to sell-advancement , and to painting the King , his family , and their attendant dogs , dwarves and sycophants Certainly the irony of this , together with the fact that this inbred family of often considerable mental as well as physical fragility should have controlled the destiny of so vast an empire , is not lost on Gironella .
3 This , together with the fact that his people were more settled and therefore accessible and that there was the possibility of running a lineage bank account , all served to reinforce the position of the shaikhs .
4 In Germany , as in America , the considerable involvement of federal grants in the financing of the Länder , together with the fact that it is the Union which decides the bulk of taxes , allow for deep central influence on Länder policy making .
5 The twin starting points for this view are the widespread injustice and oppression which exist today in Latin America and which are then analysed sociologically with a Marxist framework , together with the fact that in the Incarnation God has declared his intention to liberate all people from every kind of slavery and injustice .
6 That , together with the fact that Joe had willed him everything he possessed , made Michael Ryan a very happy man .
7 The requirement in the Adoption Agency Regulations to counsel the parents specifically about all the alternatives to adoption , and to make sure that their views about these different alternatives are placed before the court , together with the fact that guardians ad litem and reporting officers will also be scrutinising this element of the work , should lead to more careful practice at this stage .
8 This , together with the fact that the whole town is well kept up and bustling with life , seems to hint that the people of Wainfleet have a strong community spirit and pride in all their town 's endeavours and achievements .
9 The vital role ( which contemporaries fully appreciated ) played by such relatively small ports as Le Crotoy , at the mouth of the river Somme , in the period 1420–50 , together with the fact that the ports of Dieppe and Harfleur were among the first places to be snatched from English control in 1435 ( leaving them with Cherbourg as the only port from which they could maintain regular links with England between 1435 and 1440 , a vital period in the military history of the occupation ) , shows how important the Burgundian connection was to both main protagonists as they struggled to acquire and maintain a measure of control over the sea .
10 Yet , if we take this together with the fact that many other forms characteristic of modern English spread in these centuries from the East Midlands and the North , we can advance the hypothesis that this change was in progress in the East Midlands around 1300 , and look for further evidence to support or refute this .
11 This is no doubt a matter which the magistrate should take into account when considering whether a witness 's evidence is to be rejected as worthless ; and I have no doubt that in the present case the magistrate did take it into account , together with the fact that Price had retracted his earlier evidence implicating the applicant , when deciding whether to make an order for committal .
12 All of these things Beth constantly reminded herself of ; together with the fact that she was now a married woman and should reserve all her thoughts for the man who had put a ring on her finger , even though she had a son , and both of Maisie 's children .
13 This together with the fact that point mutations or deletions of this element in the sea urchin H4 gene strongly impair transcription , suggests that the 90,000 dalton factor found in our study is similar to the 85,000 dalton UHF-1 factor described for the sea urchin ( 26 ) .
14 Using the way light cones behave in general relativity together with the fact that gravity is always attractive , he showed that a star collapsing under its own gravity is trapped in a region whose surface eventually shrinks to zero size .
15 This is due firstly to their short maturity ( treasury bills are normally issued for ninety-one days ) together with the fact that they can be quickly bought and sold before maturity in a highly organised market .
16 The brutality and unprovoked nature of the attacks , together with the fact that the victims were white and middle class — the jogger was a vice president of a leading securities firm — whilst the assailants were black or Hispanic , meant that the case received a massive degree of publicity and became symbolic of US racial tension and urban violence .
17 This , together with the fact that all four patients had evidence of reflux oesophagitis , suggests that the contractions were induced by gastro-oesophageal reflux .
18 This , together with the fact that the flow has a negative divergence , — a- b -1 , implies that all trajectories eventually tend towards some bounded set A with zero volume .
19 He requested the judge to give Adams credit for having pleaded guilty , together with the fact that he had lost his job and because his marriage had broken up .
20 Taken together with the fact that this region is required for DNA-PK directed phosphorylation of c-Jun and , since Ser-249 of c-Jun was initially identified because it contains homology to sites of DNA-PK phosphorylation in other proteins , these data strongly suggest that the DNA-PK phosphorylates c-Jun at Ser-249 .
21 That , however , together with the fact that each and all of us , I think , individually , entertain fairly strong confidence about the rationality , about the rightness of our own position .
22 There is , perhaps , especially strong confirmation that the verb and adjective properties are immediately bound together in the fact that there is no coherent way to question either the adjective or the verb alone while leaving the other in place ; we can not , for example , have : ( 24 ) what should I do to the string longer ? ( 25 ) how did his sister set the owl ?
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