Example sentences of "political [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Finally , the ambiguous powers conceded in the donations left large areas of doubt that were to make political advancement by the popes difficult .
2 The man forgot one issue , the European Monetary Union , it was Mr Major that took us into the Economic Monetary Union at the wrong way , he took us in on a political decision on the last day of a Labour Party Conference in Blackpool and he 's forgotten that .
3 It was thus a political decision in the strictest sense , but it was taken , not in response to any kind of popular pressure , but in response to a narrowly but powerfully based pressure-group campaign in which those who stood to gain most from it financially , such as the makers of television sets , played a prominent role .
4 At the end of the day it 's a political decision from the council of ministers , but it seems to be going there with a firm endorsement of support from the commission . ’
5 He maintained that Washington feared that the gradual shift of the states of the region into the political orbit of the Non-Aligned Movement could draw them away from the system of ‘ inter-American treaties of mutual assistance ’ .
6 Thus ended Jordan 's brief experiment in democracy , with the country firmly within the United States ' growing political orbit in the region .
7 There was even talk of political concession to the French court if one of Giardini 's dancers were allowed to return to London the following season .
8 The formal devices of political oratory amongst the Mursi , a technologically primitive people of Ethiopia described by D. Turton ( Bloch , 1975 ) , similarly perform functions which Goody appears to restrict to literacy .
9 Such ideas had their major influence in South Wales where nearly all men were engaged in mining and could envisage a pure " class struggle " between themselves and the coalowners which would at the same time be a political struggle between the great majority and the rich minority .
10 If pop is a sign of its times , then Frankie 's social message during the key political struggle of the 1980s was decidedly oblique .
11 In the East the Russian and Swedish forces were remarkable for their national character and resulting homogeneity ; and every Russo-Turkish war was a religious at least as much as a political struggle to the ordinary soldier on both sides .
12 I hope in discussing this question to try to examine , as frankly and fairly as possible , the relationship between legality on the one hand , and political organisation and political struggle on the other , in relation to this most vital of all issues for the survival of the human race , the control and elimination of nuclear weapons .
13 The new philosophy of society moved beyond any simple vision of the state as a set of administrative institutions , towards a vision of it as an almost venerable ideal form : a form which claimed to be able to dissolve political struggle in the larger flow of the national way of life , in the name of common culture and common economic interest .
14 An attempt by Daily Mail journalists to broaden the paper 's political coverage of the 1983 election was rejected on the grounds that only the editor was responsible for content and that outside pressure , if only from an organization 's own journalists , amounted to interference in the running of that organization .
15 This was based on the assumption that once supranational institutions had been set up in one economic sector , interest groups would look to that political level for the realisation of their demands , and that in time the groups would begin to appreciate the value to themselves of integration .
16 Furthermore , as Binder ( 1982 , p. 38 ) notes , discussions of CCLGF issues between leading association members and ministers often take place on a party political level outside the formal council .
17 It may be that at the national political level in the late twentieth century it is harder to identify discrete instrumentalist land interests than it is when looking at specific places , although even at the national level it is easy enough in 1988 .
18 So that we really do hope that when the news comes through today , it 's going to be positive and the international community , if I can put it this strongly , will have come to it 's senses and said this can not go on , we must have a more representative political presence at the U N.
19 Get people along get the information networked and also to maintain a political presence amongst the people who are writing to or potentially to vote for us .
20 The FO 's assessor will have a say in how the BAS spends its money and will report back to the Foreign secretary on how useful the BAS is as a political presence in the Antarctic and the south Atlantic , This move , which clearly follows from Britain 's determination to outface Argentina in the region , brings a new political backdrop to the activities of scientists in the Antarctic .
21 But the political story of the Christian church in this age is a story particularly about bishops .
22 There was a realisation that the mantle of radicalism had been seized from the Liberal Party and that the main political division of the twentieth century would not be between the Tories and the Liberals but between Labour and anti-Labour .
23 Most important is GlavPU , the Chief Political Directorate of the Soviet Army and Navy , at one and the same time an organ of the Ministry of Defence and of the Central Committee , where it has departmental status .
24 Higher administrators are also seen as dominant within the political directorate of the liberal democratic state .
25 Courses tend to accommodate all these categories of biological , social , and political experience under the idealized name of ‘ women ’ , and to gloss over the differences and overlaps between them .
26 However , significant differences remain between the EC and EFTA about sharing political responsibility for the EES .
27 An abdication , on the other hand , would prove impossible to reconcile with the realities of political responsibility for the NHS .
28 One is the continuing political responsibility of the Secretary of State and his accountability to Parliament .
29 Montagu welcomed dissent in India as a sign of blossoming political maturity , and distinguished confidently between legitimate and illegitimate unrest — the latter being that which had for its object ‘ Home Rule ’ , the former that which aspired to political responsibility to the degree the British saw fit to give it .
30 The spread of political responsibility throughout the population to local councillors , school governors and so on informs more people about the nature of the financial choices that have to be made , and thus produces a more informed electorate .
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