Example sentences of "both [vb past] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 Both made the most of their chance .
2 Both provided the same amount of calories .
3 And Steffi Graf earned £130,000 MORE than fellow countryman Boris Becker , although they both played the same number of official tournaments — 15 .
4 IBM Corp 's personal computer business was around the break-even level or may have been profitable in the first three months of this year , the president of IBM Personal Computer Co Robert Corrigan told the New York Times : he says he thinks ‘ people will be surprised at how quickly we 're bringing this business back , ’ and that it should be solidly profitable before year-end ; problem is that its closest rivals , Compaq Computer Corp and Dell Computer Corp , which both faced the same problems as IBM , adjusted to the change in the market much more quickly , and rushed appropriate machines out while IBM procrastinated , so that they are already strongly profitable while IBM is still having to build up momentum .
5 AS , in thee matches , they both faced the same bowlers on the same pitches , it may be deduced that , as batsmen , they are of roughly equal merit .
6 During those years , both faced the same general economic and social changes — fluctuations of world trade , changing technology , changes in the nature of work , a demographic transition , the growth of nationalism in Europe and the growth of working class political consciousness and organization — but the outcome on the two societies was very different .
7 Keats when he wrote that poem and was lost in his immaterial dream breathed the same intoxicating air as Einstein did , and both knew the same profound excitement and sublime delight .
8 But I never dared to think we should discover that we both felt the same way .
9 ‘ We both had the same instinct .
10 And then by one of those quirky coincidences that make life interesting both women spoke at once , and both said the same thing .
11 Characterization of these cDNAs demonstrated that both encoded the same protein sequence but the shorter RACE product was the result of oligo-dT primer annealing to a short A rich sequence within the 3' untranslated region that does not have an identifiable polyadenylation signal associated with it ( data not shown ) .
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