Example sentences of "both [noun pl] [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Once the original cease-fire had been put into effect in 1988 , both parties found themselves with immense tasks of reconstruction to contend with and little , apart from their battered oil-export systems , with which to finance them .
2 Under the terms of the agreement both countries committed themselves not to " test , manufacture , produce , accept , possess , store , deploy or use nuclear weapons " .
3 Both countries committed themselves not to attack or invade the other , and to resolve disputes through a process of dialogue .
4 But krisis recently hit Kerrang and RAW , in that both magazines found themselves editor-less .
5 Both leaders expressed themselves pleased with the symbolic importance of the visit , and a joint communiqué , signed late on April 18 , expressed a desire to " promote mutual relations " in trade and other spheres .
6 Both sides spare themselves awkward questions that badly need to be answered .
7 The convention 's first section on the main areas of co-operation was headed by a chapter on environmental issues , in which both sides committed themselves not just to respecting the environment in the planning and execution of aid projects , but also to ensuring that " economic and social development is based on a sustainable balance between economic objectives , management of natural resources and enhancement of human resources ' .
8 Following a series of meetings the government and the Liberation Front of Air and Azawad ( FLAA ) , representing the Tuareg rebels , on May 12 issued a joint communiqué in which both sides committed themselves to working to create a favourable climate for effective negotiations , beginning with a 15-day truce from May 15 [ for January threat of force against Tuaregs see p. 38708 ] .
9 Other joint statements and memorandums included a charter on American-Russian partnership and friendship ( in which both sides committed themselves to settle disputes peacefully ) , and agreements on co-operation in space research , on an early warning system for nuclear missile launches , on the elimination of chemical weapons , and on investment in Russia .
10 Gorbachev had made an official visit to India in November 1986 , concluding with the signature of a ‘ Delhi Declaration ’ in which both sides pledged themselves to the peaceful resolution of international disputes .
11 Both sides committed themselves to continuing high-level discussions ( expected to be between Meyer and Ramaphosa ) .
12 Both sides commit themselves to free trade in industrial goods , but the easterners may keep tariffs for ten years and the Community may keep those on ‘ sensitive ’ items for five .
13 The tension on the border encouraged both sides to maintain themselves in a state of armed readiness and this made conflict even more likely .
14 Gradually , as the war proceeded , both sides equipped themselves with a varied range of missiles , all with conventional high-explosive warheads .
15 Pursued by the press , both men hid themselves as well as they could .
16 The British ambassador , who was present taking notes , was dismayed by the failure of both men to address themselves frankly and in detail to most of the key issues .
17 Both women allowed themselves to be involved with another man in the absence of their husbands but in very different ways .
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