Example sentences of "almost [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A comfortable trip , apart from the almost incessant announcements over the public address system which interrupt work , leisure reading and , worst of all , an attempt at a nap .
2 He wove these and other influences from Florentine contemporaries into a distinctive manner , at once responding to the plastic values of Donatello but never renouncing an almost calligraphic approach to outlines and drapery .
3 What made the pre-1960 period distinctive , however , was the almost complete reliance on this one objective .
4 [ T ] he most significant legal development of the past fifty years is the almost complete absorption of administrative law into the fold of the common law .
5 This is made more difficult by the almost complete anonymity of the modern laboratory .
6 A repeated Barium swallow showed almost complete disappearance of the tumour ; only a slightly narrowed segment with a length of 2 cm remained at the level of the carina ( Figs 6 and 7 ) .
7 For comparison , omeprazole given subcutaneously at a dose of 30 mg/kg resulted in almost complete inhibition of acid output ( 12 ( 2 ) µmol/30 minutes ) and pepsin output ( 0.15 ( 0.04 ) mg/30 minutes ) .
8 The reduction in the ulcer area after treatment with intraperitoneal bFGF at a dose of 30 µg/kg/day was comparable with that obtained with omeprazole at a dose of 60 mg/kg/ day — namely , almost complete inhibition of gastric acid secretion ( Table II ) .
9 The castle was begun by Henry de Lacy in 1282 ; Denbigh is also noted for the almost complete circuit of town walls .
10 An evening out of jobs between regions would be the first step in what , in the longer term , should aim to be an almost complete transfer of government jobs from areas of full employment into areas with the highest levels of unemployment .
11 He describes a ‘ good-enough mother ’ ( i.e. , a mother as good at being a mother as any of us can expect either to have or to be ) as someone who ‘ starts off with an almost complete adaptation to her infant 's needs , and as time proceeds she adapts less and less completely , gradually according to the infant 's growing ability to deal with her failure . ’
12 Much of the difficulty of identification is caused by an almost complete ignorance of what we are looking for .
13 At the highest levels by 1922 there was an almost complete overlap of personnel between party and Soviet committees .
14 This suggestion is supported by the fact that the Ψ40-synthesis in mutant a207 was delayed by about 24 hours ( Fig. 2C ) , a time required for almost complete modification of G26 to m 2 2G26 .
15 Although there is almost complete freedom of trade , many traders choose not to do so in response to the prevailing wishes of their local communities .
16 The rule operates as an almost complete bar on over-the-counter ( OTC ) futures transactions for a private customer .
17 Despite his almost complete lack of English and the poor Italian the others possessed , several things had emerged .
18 Also , the USA exported its long experience with trying to deal with its own soil erosion problems , as a part of foreign policy to its sphere of influence in Latin America in the 1950s , where there had been an almost complete lack of government concern over soil erosion .
19 The members of the Royal Agricultural Society of England ( founded 1838 ) were invited to submit diseased animals to the College , but this met with an almost complete lack of response .
20 The almost complete lack of response , one way or the other , from the Masai , only seems to have encouraged these fantasies , because it provided an environment in which fantasy was rarely tested against reality .
21 A study by Jones ( Jones , 1983 ) provides detailed evidence on the almost complete lack of communication between examination boards and employers and on the uninformed and arbitrary way in which employers use qualifications .
22 The most noticeable deficit in the 1980s debate about drug use in the UK is the almost complete lack of accurate information about how many people are using illicit drugs .
23 Early antiquarians and archaeologists were greatly hampered by an almost complete lack of dating techniques for the sites and finds that they recorded and excavated .
24 The harder they are blown the more will the horns and tuba part company , until in ff there is an almost complete lack of blend .
25 It was not wickedness that led him into crime but a cheerfully impulsive nature and an almost complete lack of reasoning power .
26 As a result of the secrecy which has traditionally surrounded donor insemination there is an almost complete lack of knowledge of how donor assisted families fare as the children grow up .
27 Judged on the attendance , the almost complete lack of sectarianism , the productive political discussion in the workshops , and the constructive criticism , the event was more of a success than we had ever dared hope for .
28 There is now almost complete coverage of the continental shelf between latitudes 48° and 62°N , and three geophysical maps at 1:1 000 000 ( covering the North Sea , northern Britain , and Ireland and southern Britain ) are in preparation .
29 Comparison of the results of this study with those from our previous study shows that the major differences in anorectal function between patients with complete supraconal lesions and those with incomplete lesions are that the almost complete loss of rectal sensitivity and the ability to contract the sphincter at will .
30 WEN suggests a five year plan that includes action on incinerators ; immediate withdrawal of some processes and chemicals ; and long term action aimed at ‘ an almost complete phase-out of elemental chlorine production and organochlorine processes ’ .
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