Example sentences of "almost no [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The war-time ‘ khaki election ’ of 1900 returned the Conservatives almost entirely on their war record with almost no discussion of social questions .
2 The author also points out that her subject had almost no sense of humour or capacity for original thought , that she thirsted for power , and that ‘ Righteousness was what Annie earnestly desired for others … she felt no lack of it herself . ’
3 They have a highly developed sense of national identity but almost no sense of responsibility towards the state they live in .
4 Indeed , the situation changed so swiftly that there is almost no resemblance between the political maps of Spain for 1000 and 1050 , or again between those covering the times of the birth and death of El Cid .
5 What is striking is that the responses bear almost no resemblance to the issues being discussed in the election campaign .
6 And the marriage that was being described was different from the one they had known , indeed bore almost no resemblance to it , and there was no-one to tell them this .
7 The imposition of a severe censorship and the sacking of all hostile editors ( there were almost no spetsy in the press ) immediately upon the seizure of power in October 191 7 had ensured its smooth running from the political and administrative point of view .
8 Thus Betelgeux in Orion , one of the brightest stars in the sky , is clearly orange-red , but Mu Cephei , in the far north , shows almost no colour at all until you look at it with binoculars , when it gives the impression of a glowing coal , and earns its nickname of ‘ the Garnet Star ’ .
9 There was almost no money on course for the horse and the only serious cash , about £1,000 in a series of small bets , was placed in the Bradford area .
10 Admittedly there had been almost no money in it , but he took it as evidence that she was saving in order to leave him .
11 Ground-level ozone , which has almost no contact with the ‘ ozone layer ; of the stratosphere , forms in ’ peaks ’ or ‘ episodes ’ , strongly influenced by sunshine .
12 The unions had almost no influence on the factory floor and were ineffective in collective bargaining .
13 It is astonishing , given the need for monitoring , that the Commission 's Sixth Report on the Completion of the Internal Market , published in June 1991 , makes almost no reference at all to the enforcement of provisions of the single market , and although there is an account showing which national parliaments have legislated on the directives , implementation at national level is only one side of the coin : the report does not address implementation at local level .
14 It is astonishing to think that in the forty-odd years after the invention of printing , no fewer than ninety-four editions came off the presses of Europe ; and that for four centuries there has been almost no year in which a new edition has not appeared in England .
15 I arranged for Jaggers to be his lawyer , but Jaggers warned me there was almost no hope of saving his life .
16 In this study the antigliadin antibody-IgG test was often abnormal on gluten free diet and showed almost no correlation with the microchallenge .
17 The move , effective from April , created furore at Westminster as Labour MPs complained the measure had almost no support in Scotland and had been pushed through by English Tory MPs .
18 Figes , for instance , says that ‘ there is almost no evidence in favour of nature ’ ( 1972 : 9 ) .
19 In reality , most attorneys have made almost no preparation for this phase and do not really understand it .
20 They lost every deposit , and so contributed £128,000 towards the election , but received almost no coverage in the national press , TV or radio in return .
21 There are not enough — but it is absurd that , under present arrangements , they and others with specialisms have almost no chance of using them directly with other teachers or with children .
22 The problem for the police is that they have almost no chance of determining whether Mr Kevorkian assisted or not .
23 Throughout this tine , the assumption was that the government was seeking a mandate to continue the war , and as late as October Bonar Law could still see " almost no chance of any joint action of this kind unless it is begun as the result of an election which takes place during the war and under the pressure of war conditions " .
24 She had some ability to read , but almost no comprehension of spoken or written words .
25 There was almost no escape from television .
26 The quite complicated allowances for provision of expenditure based on different age groups result in almost no differentiation between authorities suggesting that considerable simplification would be in order .
27 During this period the number of people working in the office in Carlisle virtually doubled at almost no cost to the BDA , and valuable contributions were made in all departments .
28 Areas where almost no change from current air quality will be allowed .
29 Freud begins Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego by showing that there is almost no difference between individual psychology and social or group psychology :
30 This section of the labour market is also virtually non-unionized , providing for almost no representation on pay and working conditions , or health and safety regulations .
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