Example sentences of "ca n't [pers pn] just " in BNC.

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1 Ca n't they just trim them ? ’
2 Why ca n't they just ransom me ?
3 Er , why ca n't they just look at , er do a means test for child benefit ?
4 Yet there 's nothing sordid to it , so why ca n't they just accept that Rosemary made a terrible mistake and married a rotter .
5 Why ca n't they just tell you ?
6 So why , why , why ca n't you just erm why ca n't they just take a bit off everybody in that case and , and inflict the same degree ?
7 Ca n't we just stay in and play ?
8 Ca n't we just leave it ? ’
9 Ca n't we just back it along a bit so that Andrew can you know
10 Why ca n't we just have them in a loose-leaf binder with dividers in , and let the engineer decide how to hold documentation together ?
11 Ca n't we just put a clause
12 Ca n't we just try , Crilly ? ’
13 Ca n't we just seize on each other .
14 Ca n't we just do a premium holiday on them ?
15 Ca n't you just do the work you 're paid for ? ’
16 Ca n't you just build a new bridge then ? ’
17 ‘ Pat , dear , ca n't you just decide to give up drink , ca n't that be part of the new life you 're always talking about ?
18 Ca n't you just accept a fact ? ’
19 Why ca n't you just stay home forever , daddy ?
20 Ca n't you just see their faces back home if we turned up with this ? ’ said Angalo .
21 Ca n't you just relax for a minute , Alison .
22 Ca n't you just explain that to your editor ?
23 ‘ Why ca n't you just let me live my life how I want to ? ’
24 ‘ What I mean is , why ca n't you just admit that it was wonderfully exciting to fuck somebody else ? ’
25 " Ca n't you just be in a place , Frederica ? "
26 Ca n't you just ask me about it ?
27 Ca n't you just take me back to the life your friends stole me from ? ’
28 Ca ca n't you just , ca n't Jim just brief his staff , but er as far as that 's concerned w he takes it that the Q S has asked him to do all the site measurement er and that they will then produce the certification
29 Why ca n't you just use a task request form that says .
30 Ca n't you just agree to disagree ? ’
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