Example sentences of "see [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The radical feminist analysis described at the beginning of this chapter would see these as aspects of men 's patriarchal control over women ; the Marxist feminists would see them as a result of capitalism ; others would see them as the outcome of both systems , and indeed of racist systems too .
2 The radical feminist analysis described at the beginning of this chapter would see these as aspects of men 's patriarchal control over women ; the Marxist feminists would see them as a result of capitalism ; others would see them as the outcome of both systems , and indeed of racist systems too .
3 ‘ The Arts Council have problems , too : I do n't see them as the enemy , but they create a situation which gives rise to the criticisms they make . ’
4 He would put them forward in a specially written book , bound in the finest calf , to some powerful patron who , in Cranston 's dreams , would see them as the solution to all of London 's problems .
5 If others can see them as an engine driving innovation around the world , rather than a sump draining it off , they may find there is much to gain .
6 However after today 's result Morland staff say no-one will ever see them as an easy target .
7 Chapman had put the Town on a firm footing that would see them to a third championship the following year to become the first club to win the title three years in succession ; and two years after that they were runners-up .
8 And then erm one afternoon we went in a dug out canoe erm to look for crocodiles and we did actually see them on the banks of the river as we were going down in our canoe , so that was quite exciting .
9 I flash upon my own family ; the way I have to think a moment before deciding who to include in my family , whether to include the step-parents or the siblings on my father 's side whom I would not know should I see them on the street , the hastiness of Mom and Larry on Sunday swirls between galleries and sushi , untapered by excess or sentimentality , busy with books and foreign films and the Sunday supplement of the New York Times , the wisdom of Ivy Leagues and schedules too dense to live by , to wake by , to sleep and breathe by .
10 . Here briefly , because we 'll see them on the inside , you 've got the main bed-chambers above .
11 Did you see them on the counter .
12 We 'll see them on the telly then .
13 I 've looked with binoculars and I ca n't see them with the naked eye .
14 ‘ You 'll see them at the wedding , ’ said my mother .
15 ‘ I could see them at the hotel .
16 Er one is actually getting the O H P's so that you can see them at the back .
17 You can see them at the Southport Soul Weekend on Saturday and signing their new single You Threw Our Love Away at the HMV shop on Tuesday lunchtime .
18 He may meet in private with his lawyer , but access to his family is severely restricted : he can see them for no more than one hour a month , under tight surveillance .
19 I can see them through the reflection .
20 ‘ And did you see them about the tomb ? ’
21 You may see them during the summer when they rest in Britain .
22 Maggie 's relation to them in space does n't change that much ; you can see them from the kitchen ; you ca n't from the bedsitting room .
23 Jed could see them from the car , drinking beers and swapping jokes .
24 ‘ I could see them from the window in that place .
25 We could n't often see them from the main road which passed in front of the building because they were forbidden to look out of the windows .
26 Once outside , she breathed a sigh of relief , and strolled with Theda around the left of the house , next to Switham Thicket , so that Araminta would not see them from the window of her parlour .
27 ‘ So I said I 'd see them in a few days .
28 You could see them in the bull-neck , in the big shoulders , in the thick arms , in the sinewy wrists and in the powerful legs .
29 Hence Durkheim insisted that to understand one set of social phenomena we must see them in the round — in their wider , social context .
30 In an affected small bowel you will see the grey background with these tiny little curved rods present the whole area of the er , the villi is covered by the organisms which are er stuck down effectively by the processes which you ca , you ca n't really see them in the transmission micrograph , but they are attached to specific receptors on the surface of the entrocite membrane .
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