Example sentences of "see [pron] for the " in BNC.

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1 And then , when she looked at the high terrace with its pots of trailing geraniums , she could see nothing for the shadow was so intense — not the pale blob of a face or the movement of a hand — but she was suddenly as sure as she could be of anything that someone was standing there , looking down , waiting for them to get out of the car and watching them .
2 Riven could see nothing for the water in his eyes , but when the dark shape of the hull loomed up he pushed Madra towards it .
3 Gusev 's family did n't see him for the rest of the weekend .
4 One day soon she would see him for the last time .
5 Certainly Jenny did not see him for the first few evenings she was at Moorlake .
6 You 'll see — I 'll probably not see him for the rest of the week . ’
7 This was discussed at length with Janet , after which it was agreed that the therapist would see her for the next 2 months at fortnightly intervals and that no more than one telephone call per week would be acceptable .
8 At first I can not see her for the heaps of people about her bedside , brandished with packaged sweets and magazines and flowers of white and purple .
9 The hair on his face was untrimmed , and his nose had spread with drinking , but the weather-hard skin was not the skin of a drunkard , and if the hair on his temples was thinning , you could not see it for the leather fillet he wore .
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