Example sentences of "see [art] [n mass] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , I do see the dynamics of the city as different and have tried to take some account of them in this study .
2 On shore , dogs marked and asses brayed : Sara could see the people outside their tumbledown houses and could hear the voices of women bargaining with traders .
3 We do n't have any suspects , but it has to be said that as far as I can see the people with the best motive were the five permanent residents of the club . ’
4 Sometimes I saw her there , singing or talking quietly to herself , and I thought perhaps she could see the people in her secret world of Gondal , and was talking to them .
5 Do you see the people in your mind 's eye-their facial expressions ? the colour of their clothes ?
6 Erm as you can see the sales in the first two are expected to be four point nine almost five million pounds .
7 From now until polling day passengers on DTC services will see the series of Labour slogans on issues including the poll tax , health , employment and crime .
8 Passengers on DTC services will see the series of Labour slogans on issues including the poll tax , health , employment and crime .
9 Near Fairfield you can still see the innings of St Thomas .
10 Here there is a government trout hatchery where you can see the fish in all their stages of growth .
11 Such educated guesswork can be eliminated if you can actually see the fish in the first place .
12 So you can see the fish in it , me cousin 's is five foot deep , maybe six , I think it is six
13 Well it was er it was transparent in the water you could see the fish in the water and and er , you could see the turtles and the
14 Moreover , Leapor can see no means of improving the situation .
15 From under the valance , Jess could see a pair of patched green shoes lapped by grimy skirt edges .
16 You might see a pair of long johns , then long johns , and a pair of socks , but Paul said they 've opened windows and Trevor said it 's nearly knocked him off the ladder .
17 So she 'd see a sheep in wolf 's clothing
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