Example sentences of "see [noun] [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do not really see Ezra Pound in Rapallo , ’ Max Beerbohm told me .
2 Even if your parents did see Maria Whittaker in the buff , they would n't be able to recognise the blobby mess as human , let alone a nude woman !
3 We 'll go out and see Auntie Bettie before then .
4 Did n't we see David Thomas off last time he attempted a comeback ?
5 You wo n't see Donna Karan of House Of Style . ’
6 She thought she would also hint to Miss Potts that Alicia and Daryl were at the bottom of things , but she did n't get very far with this , she had to go and see Miss Potts about some returned homework .
7 ‘ When you arrived this morning did you see Miss Garland at once ? ’
8 We must all hope the negotiations succeed and that perhaps we may even see Bobby Fischer on the regular tournament circuit .
9 If you are lucky , you may even see Nancy Blackett at anchor among the little yachts and ancient barges and houseboats , although her present owner , Michael Rines , usually keeps her at Ipswich .
10 You could see Knamber Foin from here , a bleak mass of rubble rising out of a plain that was grey , smoky-looking with the leafless boughs of ten thousand little birch trees .
11 ‘ Did you see Tom Russell in the car park this afternoon ? ’ she asked .
12 ‘ Did you see Mr Riddle on Friday evening ? ’
13 ‘ Daddy apparently forgot to go and see Mr Simms in Woodborough General . ’
14 Turning from the altar , Cameron could not see Mr Whistle among the congregation , but did think he glimpsed Judi , loitering embarrassed near the back .
15 At the riverside we can see Mr Gould on his stomach out on the ice , pushing himself back from the hole in the river ; people are shouting and running around ; we head down the river towards the narrows and the gorge and my father slips and almost drops me and his breath smells of whisky and food .
16 Mr Aldrich himself claims , and I am fully prepared to believe him , that he did not see Mr Stratton on the train .
17 More detached observers suggest that in the next century historians may see Mrs Thatcher as a figure having no more long-term significance than Wilson , Heath , or Callaghan .
18 The bell rings and as I approach the front door I can see Mrs Marsh through the frosted glass .
19 Can others see Jesus Christ in you ?
20 Branson did not see Malcolm McLaren for another five months , by which time association with the Sex Pistols carried with it the whiff of high treason …
21 But the effort was worthwhile as at the top we could see Portland Bill in the east , Start Point in the west and inland to Marshwood Vale .
22 We shall see Queen Diana on the throne yet !
23 Of course I did n't go and see Father Courtney without thinking hard about our relationship .
24 He could not see Nona Pitt as the poisoner of her parents .
25 Daylight was just around the corner however , but by the time daylight did arrive , although she and her pride were very much certain that she 'd see Vendelin Gajdusek in hell before she ever spoke to him again , certain other practicalities had entered her head .
26 Alice loitered around for a while , and no one came in or out , and she could not see Comrade Andrew through the downstairs windows , for the curtains were drawn .
27 But does anybody see New York for the first time these days ?
28 Indeed , to suppose that any Carolingian ruler would readily see the clergy as a challenge , as Henry II of England could see Thomas Becket in the 1160s , would be radically to misconstrue his mentality .
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