Example sentences of "want go [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 We have brought pride back to Teesside and we want to go on to greater things . ’
2 They want to go up to the aviary but I I ca n't get I ca n't get this buggy up there up that hill .
3 Well , the surgery 's at half eleven till half twelve so we pop back here for a quick cup of tea and I want to go up to Felixstowe .
4 But everyone else is in but I want to clear Wednesday and Thursday cos I want we want to go up to Suffolk .
5 I want to come home I want to go up to my bedroom and get on with
6 ‘ I like the freedom of being able to decide , tonight for example , whether I want to stay in the flat or whether I want to go down to Gloucestershire .
7 now if I want to go down to the sea front well I 'll shall get a taxi and , and sha n't be worrying where me next meals coming from because I 've saved it , so , so that 's , that 's no worry , I was saying to Arthur if we went to Butlins well it would take all we had , because it , we could n't go to Butlins under three hundred pounds for two of us , we could n't go anywhere else , if we go to Blackpool , our , our said to , to , to dad , I , I would like to pop to , er I do n't think we will do because , er , the hassle for your dad , but er , I 'd like to go and see aunty Annie , but I do n't want to go to Nelson to do it
8 The date you choose can be important if you want to go back to your job after your baby 's born .
9 ‘ I want to go back to a size 12 again .
10 They just want to go back to bed — especially if there 's someone warm waiting for them . ’
11 Unless we want to go back to the Stone Age , zero pollution is not practical . ’
12 If you want to go back to basics and try to assess the sort of person you are , and the kind of working environment best suited to you , then there are a number of exercises you can do with an honest friend .
13 After the elections I want to go back to the Institute of Forecasting .
14 And to understand that change I want to go back to the beginning and just to trace what has happened to the Chinese Communist Party since it was formed in nineteen twenty one when it had a mere I hope everybody can see that , it 's not very large today and I do n't think I can any better than that In nineteen twenty one when it was first founded , it had a mere fifty seven members and it did n't grow very much for a number of years .
15 Some of them just want to go back to places they liked while they were still alive .
16 I 'll look after her if you want to go back to work .
17 First and foremost though , we want to go back to basics and erm get our ideas absolutely straight as regards what quality is and what we 're trying to achieve with I S O Nine Thousand .
18 ‘ I think I want to go back to the house for a while , ’ she said at last in a careful tone .
19 ‘ I think I want to go back to my flat in London , ’ she said in a low tone .
20 ‘ Now , if you 'll excuse me , I 've had a very tiring day and I want to go back to my room and have a shower . ’
21 I want to go back to my hotel . ’
22 I want to go back to a comment made by the hon. Member for Truro ( Mr. Taylor ) , which led the hon. Member for Blackburn ( Mr. Straw ) to go into a spate of incontinent muttering .
23 I know that 's difficult to provide erm , and the money 's got to be found for that , but it , it 's a mixed blessing putting elderly people into , a lot are put into our homes , which I agree are very good the majority of them , they 're very nice , but the people who 're put into them , they give up their own homes , and then they get a bit better six months later , and they say , ooh , I just want to go back to my home now .
24 " I want to go back to London with you , " she said .
25 but er otherwise I 'll , I 'll would n't , I never want to go back to Nazeing not after now and , and now the , this new town we were taken shopping the other Tuesday , it was really lovely and we see all the shops , first time I 've really seen them properly and er I thoroughly enjoyed it and we were all given erm in a , is it Blockers one of the shops ?
26 Er if you want to go back to the same people .
27 ‘ I want to go back to your damned graveyard , ’ he snorted .
28 I want to go back to bed .
29 I want to go back to your original question that you asked Bob Morgan , because you were asking him erm why there was a reaction to a gipsy site .
30 It 's very , very under-used , I use it a lot when I receive calls from engineers , elsewhere in the press , and I want to go back to my office but continue the same conversation .
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