Example sentences of "get a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you then get a complete change in regime , as happened in nineteen forty-five , if you get re-education , if you get a completely new economic and indeed world , international situation , then of course the Germans become different people .
2 ‘ So we get a complete shut-down ? ’
3 They have skilled operators who will ask focused questions and get a complete set of contact and requirement details .
4 get a complete list of complaints of them
5 So if you 've got something rough , and you plate it , erm you get a rough finish .
6 Too much pressure , and you get a rough edge .
7 you know that s some do n't really have a great deal of problem , others really do have a sort of off work for two or three days every month and it 's not a bundle of laughs because , you know , that really must be difficult , but they , they get a rough idea of how it for them
8 So , do you want to keep your eyes shut while I get you up to the roof , or open them now and get a nasty surprise when you and all your millions of fans see where you are ? ’
9 Of course , the subject could be deceived and get a nasty shock .
10 And then if you make a little mistake — like getting two of your men killed when they 're busting a flat — you get a nasty shock .
11 I 'll tell Ton I send you to the shop , you get a frozen packet of
12 It is clear from the above figures that the Liberal Democrats get a rotten hand at each game of election poker and it is high time the system was changed .
13 ‘ I can understand it , even if I do n't like to think of her moving far away unless I get a personal recommendation about whoever takes her on . ’
14 Instead we appeal to those with some concern about the state of the world and we get a warm response .
15 ‘ I always get a warm response here .
16 One notable official of the Milk Race team said : ‘ Every time we come to Liverpool , we get a warm welcome and that is why we are keen to return . ’
17 yeah , you get a subsidized grant for going to London , yeah , so you get like more than normal
18 All you do is , you get a mop and you just swish it over and you get a dry mop and just polish it up .
19 I could n't get through to Tshwete so I then called in the Australian Ambassador in Pretoria , Colin McDonald , to personally contact Tshwete and get a firm decision .
20 And it 's very rare that you get a brilliant quote out of them including this one
21 While you can lose half your liver , one and a half kidneys and most of your toes before you get a noticeable drop in performance , a mere 20% fall in resting cardiac output will make you feel as though you are climbing Everest without oxygen .
22 ‘ Aquarius , Taurus , Leo and Scorpio figure very strongly in the Royal Family 's charts and very strongly in Diana 's , so when you get a powerful connection like that with marriage partners it can either be the most sensationally passionate ‘ I ca n't leave you alone for a minute ’ or it 's ice .
23 Just get a wee look in , just check the inside .
24 ‘ You get a wee bit romantic and a wee bit depressed about it , but it 's not going to affect your job .
25 ‘ The mucosa becomes slightly softer and you get a furry tongue , ’ he says .
26 you see I go on fruit and that for a day and all I do the next day is get a terrible cramp in the stomach
27 The plan was to get through postgrad. school , get a part-time lecturer 's job , a studio in Wapping and become a Real Artist .
28 Well I hope there 's nobody in Coulson House because it 's boarded up and I can not see how you get a vacant bed in Coulson House and this is this exercise .
29 Arthur Smith sighed for political satire , and wondered what was going to happen to political comedy if we get a Labour government .
30 Shareholders get a final dividend of 10.25p against 9.55p last time , making a total of 16.20p ( 15.10p ) a jump of 7.3pc .
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