Example sentences of "get [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So and see just get to like the smell .
2 ‘ Yes , you have , lad , get to see the head , that 's what you 've got to do . ’
3 It 's the patients who suffer , stranded on the waiting-lists , nursing their pain and their justified anxiety till they get to see the specialist .
4 As the first fans takes their seats another operation is under way to ensure that some never get to see the game .
5 It 's a rough life , but you get to see the world .
6 Pupils get to see the process from the employers ' point of view .
7 Before you get to see the demo , you have to flick through some text pages containing interesting pieces about the ‘ incident ’ , making you think about what happened .
8 Thank you , I mean , we 'll turn this off put that on when we get to near the check out shall we ?
9 He says you get to know a hedgehog — and I could tell the director what an animal was going to do …
10 Once you get to know a bit what 's happening .
11 Get to know a bit of the history .
12 People are seen as going up a ladder : they are trainees , they become accepted when they get to know the school rules — the ambience is that once you 've survived the initiation , you 're part of this club , this closed society .
13 When you 've brawled around for as long as I have your senses get to know the kind of fix that you ca n't just walk through or away from .
14 Once you get to know the customer .
15 On the other hand , if we assume that there is imperfect information , in the sense that suppliers and demanders know the current price for the good on their island but only get to know the price in other markets with a one-period time lag , the relationship between aggregate supply and the general level of prices becomes much more subtle .
16 If you feel embarrassed , get to know the beautician first , by trying a leg or arm wax .
17 Initially , it 's more skilled , till you get to know the set up , then there 's a fair amount of boredom .
18 Get to Know the Biz
19 Here , if I 'm going to a charity function or a party , I get to meet a lot of different people .
20 True , they do not get any cash , but they get a big chunk of valuable stock and , most important , they get to leave the Unix business and stop supporting the big white Unix elephant .
21 Driving someone , you get to do a lot of that .
22 At a three day event , you 've already done quite a distance by the time you get to do the course !
23 To help you make the best decisions and to ensure you quickly get to understand the way Italy and the Italians work , when you book we will send you a complimentary booklet ‘ Welcome to Italy ’ full of advice and information .
24 Once it 's out of the way , you get to run the software — but read the READ.ME file first , as there are changes , at least in the version I 've looked at , from the manual , and quite important ones .
25 In the new South Africa , if you 've worked for a white family for more than five years , you get to keep the house
26 You get to live a habit .
27 It could be a fake , but I reckon not — you get to have a feel for what 's real and what is n't , in this job .
28 If z describes market conditions which are only known to the incumbent , then the results above tell us that the entrants gradually get to learn the incumbent 's private information .
29 In that way Rocky would get chance to play and develope , Strachan would be able to run rings round the opposition and maybe we get get to beat the scum for a change .
30 You get to tell the program which card you 're using once the full installation is done and the program has been booted — we assume that the final documentation will handle this in the customary WordPerfect manner , and be very complete on the subject .
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