Example sentences of "himself for [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The increasing amount of business to be handled meant that more and more decisions were now taken by officials , even merely middle-ranking ones : it was no longer possible for almost every question to go to the minister himself for final decision , as had hitherto been normal .
2 In doing so the student will not merely be preparing in the best possible way for his examination : he will also be developing his mind as a working instrument and preparing himself for legal practice .
3 She knew , of course , that men were driven by lusts of the flesh , desires that they satisfied with little or no regard for the females they wanted , but , strangely enough , she would not have considered fitzAlan to be a man to lose control of himself for that reason .
4 Should Alan Ingram 's verdict on the Budget be widely held , Mr Lamont would do well to prepare himself for that growth to stop dead in its tracks .
5 Hating himself for that snobbery , he drove the boy harder , refusing to admit to himself that he was failing .
6 He could n't make her out , or himself for that matter .
7 In addition , the learning steps a student must follow to prepare himself for each test are specified .
8 The other element related to control of the mind where through meditation or chanting the practitioner seeks to free his soul from the bondage of his mind and body and to prepare himself for spiritual enlightenment or true self-realisation — that he is in fact part of the ‘ Impersonal Absolute ’ ( Brahman ) .
9 Early on the morning of Dec. 19 Hawke announced that , at a meeting of the ALP caucus later that day , he would resign as leader and offer himself for immediate re-election to the post .
10 Where Barrie tortured himself with Victorian fears about his own adult sexuality , Spielberg flagellates himself for Sixties selfishness and Eighties careerism ( Spielberg himself is one of the baby-boom generation , and divorced ) .
11 A Herefordshire hobgoblin would avenge himself for any insult by stealing all the family 's keys and refusing to return them until his favourite cake had been baked and left on the hob for him to eat .
12 He came up off the floor in one swift , powerful lunge , slamming the full force of his body into Boisson and driving him back towards the dungeon before the man could gather himself for another swing .
13 Dave breathed a sigh of relief but realised that he would have to prepare himself for another day .
14 Back with a ragga version of a Beatles song , he 's bracing himself for another savaging , but at least he 's got a hit , he tells TERRY STAUNTON .
15 Cheerful , and unaware of the failures at the southern lock , he urged on young Watson , who steeled himself for another attempt at breaking through the place .
16 Suragai 's hands were already scratched and bleeding , and he was cursing quietly in his own tongue as he positioned himself for another rescue attempt .
17 Wordsworth had some idea of what was going on , as he had prepared himself for this second visit by reading pamphlets , and probably had a letter of introduction to Brissot ; but at first he was only sentimentally affected by the ideals of the Revolution .
18 A key tradition claims St Magnus refused to arm himself for this battle and chose to sing from his psalter on King Magnus 's ship , surviving unhurt in the midst of the fray .
19 And fifteen minutes later , with all the completed questionnaires returned , there was good reason to suppose that Morse could be right , since three of those concerned , Eddie Stratton , Howard Brown , and John Ashenden , appeared temporarily unable to provide corroboration of their individual whereabouts and activities during the key period of the previous afternoon — the afternoon when the original groups , three of them , had been re-formed slightly ( following Kemp 's telephone call ) , and when anyone wishing to absent himself for some purpose would have been presented with a wonderful opportunity so to do .
20 The unguarded nature of the latter , which was never worked over by Thomas , provides occasional glimpses of the youth who left St. Paul 's after his seventeenth birthday in order to achieve a twofold purpose : ostensibly to please his father by attending a few practical evening classes and in the day by preparing himself for some form of Civil Service clerical post , while privately , he sought the freedom of a young nature-writer who was determined to collect his papers into a book .
21 Finally he hooks his belt onto the Doom Diver Catapult and braces himself for sudden acceleration .
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