Example sentences of "himself [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 He wraps around himself the dusty patchwork cloak of his invisibility and the heralds gallop hither and yon in vain .
32 A freelance musician has found himself the perfect practice room … an empty theatre which he has all to himself .
33 It seems reasonable to assume that Oswiu certainly brought into subjection to himself the Pictish kingdom of Fortriu ( between the Forth and the Tay ) , for Bridei , the son of Bili , king of Strathclyde , and Ecgfrith 's cousin ( HB ch. 57 ) , who became king of the Picts on the expulsion of Drest and later fought against Ecgfrith , is described specifically in the Irish annals as ‘ king of Fortriu ’ at his death in 692 ( AU s.a .
34 The American government has just brought out two new reports providing fresh evidence about the life and death of the man who called himself the sinful Messiah .
35 The child is probably trying to write down a suitable looking word , and has n't said to himself the actual word he has written down .
36 With representatives arriving in Blackpool for today 's opening session of the most critical of Conservative conferences for many years , the former Cabinet minister finds himself the focal point for public and party disaffection with Mrs Thatcher .
37 ‘ T is so no more ’ , that is , he can no longer consider himself the same person — he has become , at last , a human being ( line 36 ) , not a dreaming poet , and he can not go back to the earlier state .
38 He 'd often asked himself the same question .
39 A few weeks later when it came to the 1985 Budget , Nigel set himself the same goal .
40 It is the work of the Spirit , then , to make us progressively reflect the character of Christ , himself the Last Man who demonstrates the image of God which God intended for us when he made us .
41 He had tried out such individual projects himself the previous year when the resources first arrived , and the results were encouraging , so he was extending it : " having got more resources they were no longer all fighting over one or two books " .
42 Thanks to whoever it was , Baldwin by the spring of 1924 was making surprisingly good progress toward the political objectives which he had set himself the previous autumn .
43 SERVANT : My lady , a gentleman calling himself the noble Spaniard waits to see you .
44 And if Jesus incorporated in himself the double role of royal and priestly Messiah , he would indeed have been a figure worthy of such adherence .
45 He was listening to old Legion marching songs and giving himself the Nazi salute in the mirror .
46 By the mid-Fifties he considered himself the natural leader of world Communism .
47 But we saved the Queen 's fair fame , and to Rudolf himself the fatal stroke came as a relief from a choice too difficult : on the one side lay what impaired his own honour , on the other what threatened hers .
48 In the opening chapter of the novel , Pierre Bloye , confronted by the corpse of his father , instinctively alienated by the rituals and incantations of an absurd funeral ceremony , despairing at his mother 's willing acquiescence to the arid conventions of petty-bourgeois existence , asks himself the fundamental question : " What sort of a man was my father ? "
49 Nevertheless , the local historian will find it useful to think of his chosen parish or neighbourhood in terms of broad categories such as ‘ open-field arable ’ or ‘ wood-pasture ’ or ‘ fenland edge ’ and to set himself the fundamental task of understanding how people adapted themselves to their physical environment .
50 But now Mr Gorbachev has made himself the unpalatable alternative .
51 A man of ninety suddenly finds himself the oldest man in the village not necessarily because he is ninety but because a man of ninety-one died yesterday .
52 They also demanded that President Guillermo Endara Gallimany , 56 , make a personal visit to the old part of the city to see for himself the severe level of poverty the population was being forced to endure .
53 DAVID Sinclair made himself the ideal employee when he filled in an application form for a sales job , a court heard yesterday .
54 The revolt against the Mr Bush 's presidency a ran all to Mr Clinton 's benefit and not much to that of Mr Perot , the acid-tongued Texas billionaire who styled himself the unorthodox candidate of protest .
55 Moreover , he intended to take on himself the national leadership of the party thus created , which would be called Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista ( FET y de las JONS ) .
56 She was ten years older than me and already married to Jens , himself the youngest son of a neighbouring farmer , without property of his own .
57 Jesus is therefore not simply the human instrument of God 's purposes , nor simply a man responding to divine grace : he is God come as man in order to work out and establish in himself the true destiny of man in friendship and communion with God .
58 As he said to Count Walewski , his Ambassador in London ( and himself the illegitimate son of Napoleon I ) , ‘ Mon cher , je suis pris ’ , and there seems no reason to doubt this .
59 He explained to me that the interview had been cancelled on the order of his superiors — and he was himself the head librarian !
60 It seemed — the least he could do — to deny himself the dramatic gesture , to humiliate himself .
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