Example sentences of "mean [pers pn] 's [art] " in BNC.

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1 between the ears I mean she 's a charming woman .
2 No she wan na bloody leave it alone for a bit , I mean she 's a disaster man !
3 I mean she 's a , she 's a nice enough person but she just gets in a strop so easily , you , you know
4 He 's stuck with that girl I say cos I mean she 's a lot older than he is , but they 're stuck together yeah , cos Carol must be near my age
5 She lo , I mean she 's a lovely girl though !
6 I mean she 's a , she 's a pretty girl and she 's
7 And I mean she 's a good kid , she is n't a bad kid by any means but er , oh the late nights and er
8 So erm Miss , I mean she 's an easy case to do really ,
9 I mean she 's the link person in that family .
10 I mean it 's no good having a your own identity number and then telling everybody what it is , because that 'll just never raised its head anyway that much did it ?
11 I mean it 's no good you starting on the S and the T.
12 I mean it 's no use being
13 I mean it 's no wonder they ca n't find their way out of London .
14 You see really , I mean it 's no bother if you 're going , if you 're coming from Queensbury to here
15 I mean it 's no good smoking yourself to death and then er
16 On the other hand they have n't got the landfills and the whole scheme that the west has developed and they I mean it 's a health hazard meanwhile .
17 I mean it 's a good thing the Americans have come , is n't it ?
18 to sort of see some way around it , but I mean it 's a , it 's a problem of the scheduling both by the theatres
19 I mean it 's a jolly good idea it really is
20 But I mean it 's a subset of the things that appear in Yellow Pages and also contains all the postcodes we 're ever going to need to use .
21 I mean it 's a it would be a joy to do it as well cos you think , I know how to do these .
22 I mean it 's a bit like watching the television while you 're doing the ironing .
23 And er and when you 're fighting a war , you see and er and and and er and you have n't got a rifle , I mean it 's a serious problem .
24 I mean it 's a dwelling I think it 's fine they 're very nice , so I understand .
25 I mean it 's a thing you might want to talk think about or you night have read about , things like interjections and er interruptions and overlapping .
26 well I mean it 's a bit like the you know , the
27 Well , I mean it 's a bell is n't it ?
28 Well I mean l l look at this shape , I mean it 's a like an L shape , it 's erm very unpractical .
29 Whereas now I mean it 's a case of if you lose anything it 's your own fault for putting it down .
30 Well I mean the motion actually has been moved , I do take the point , I mean it 's a fair point , but erm not sure where John 's sat sat at the back , yes
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