Example sentences of "'s be [v-ing] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 You know she 's been hiding her light under a bushel , a bush .
2 He 's been hiding me for the last couple of days . ’
3 She 's been collecting them for twenty five years , and now keeps more than five hundred at her home in Woodchester .
4 Ever since her children started school she 's been filling her time making sculptures from scrap .
5 He 's been nagging me to take her back for weeks .
6 ‘ All the rumours are that Jerry 's been bringing his troops back from the east by the train-load .
7 Well after the break , you can buy them , this is one of them , for as little as twenty five pounds , Elton John 's been wearing something altogether more expensive at the High Court this week but does it look much better ?
8 ‘ Come in , Hari , sure Cleg will be that glad to see you , he 's been wearing his brother 's boots to work in and them pinching him like the devil . ’
9 She 's been reading them up for days . ’
10 ‘ Michael 's been reading his book of Things a Director 's Supposed to Say again , ’ a voice murmured somewhere above her ear , and Shannon turned with a grin to the tall blonde woman at her side .
11 he 's been reading his horses .
12 He 's been watching his old man .
13 President Gorbachev 's been facing his worst Mayday parade and the first one not to be completely controlled by the communist party .
14 ‘ Look , Superintendent , he 's the shit who 's been screwing my wife .
15 He 's been calling me up all hours of the day and night complaining about you guys especially Steve .
16 He 's been writing his latest book there .
17 She 's been seeing her therapist again , thought Henry , as he stumbled towards the Passat .
18 Well , it 's funny cos like , she 'd , me Mum an that 's been taking her shopping down and she 's been buying it herself and like me Auntie Jean , she goes down three or four times a day sometimes and then she goes down again and it 's all missing !
19 Another time in the same club he turned to me and said , ‘ The fellow on my other side went up the Irrawaddy in 1943 and he 's been taking me back there with him .
20 In the month and a half it 's been delivering its high-end SparcCenter 2000s Sun has shipped 130 systems to paying customers : the firm has reportedly come up with a new 50MHz MPU module for its high-end SparcCenter 2000 that adds 2Mb external caches and improves database throughput from 20% to 40% .
21 cos he 's been devoting his life to his wife more
22 ‘ He says it 's because he volunteered when he was too young and now he 's been pestering them , but I 've been pestering all three services and got nowhere . ’
23 She 's been expecting them — you have n't delivered . ’
24 Victory may have been his Down Under if this Honda had n't cooked its clutch , but he 's been expecting his Michelins to have the upper hand in hot weather .
25 It turns out that half the words she 's been teaching me are all wrong .
26 My dad 's been teaching him ?
27 You would n't call it the best buildup you ever seen and after a little bit of scrappy play which Pisa failed to get the ball away , it fell inviting on the edge of the area , and he struck it with all the confidence and aplomb a a player who 's been planting 'em in the back of the net all season .
28 ‘ Stella 's been ringing somebody , ’ Vernon said .
29 ‘ It 's been puzzling me .
30 oh he sucked his biscuit before , that 's right , I put it in the bin did n't I ? and I said to you do n't eat it because Richard 's been sucking it , lift your foot up please let's have your shoe back on again
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