Example sentences of "before i [vb past] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 In the first I shall review activity within the Engineering Branch before I took up my post within the MOD .
2 Long before I took up climbing on any regular basis I accompanied a friend for a summer evening 's sport at Lawrencefield in Derbyshire .
3 The act of love did happen — and only once , and only just — immediately before I took up my new post at Schloss Hartheim , near Linz , in the province of Austria .
4 The latest and most thorough had been completed just before I took over the chairman-ship .
5 Yes , I could tell from Aunt Nessy 's breathing that she would not recover consciousness ; nevertheless , before I crept out I did kiss her , just in case some little part of her , still aware , should feel it .
6 I was before I came up in the world , true , but lower-middle-class , not working-class .
7 Long before I came up to the gate out of Bourani , I saw something whitish lying in the gap .
8 I got into Edinburgh and before I came up I took a year off and worked and travelled .
9 I disremember if it was October or November — it was October , 'cos it was before I came up here to join the matriculation class . ’
10 My head was throbbing and the shoulder was beginning to ache from the kicking , which had probably been going on for some time before I came round .
11 ‘ She died before I came over , Mrs Sutherland .
12 Just before I came over .
13 It was January before I came back .
14 It was just brought to my attention just before I came down .
15 When I was speaking t very very briefly erm to Ian before before I came down he said , well I 'm really not surprised , the the the continuing problem and difficulty in establishing what 's on the palette , as to whether it 's lawn feed and weed , lawn feed and , for example .
16 for It was no good my making a list before I came down because I just had n't seen anything like this in the Marks in Norwich .
17 ‘ Well , the housemaid said something to me before I came in to prayers , and that just tickled me and I could n't help it . ’
18 Before I came in . ’
19 I was actually looking at you before I came in , but just come out here for a second There are two ways I can hurt you .
20 Erm just before I came in from school and we were home by about half three .
21 Why just today , you see , before I came out , she insisted a friend would be coming to see her , a friend who died — so sad — a few weeks ago .
22 Believe it or not , and I did n't before I came out at work , it is possible to change the people around you , just by honestly being who you are .
23 ‘ I remember the very exciting feeling I got when I first saw one of these magazines before I came out .
24 I weighed eleven stone when I was in the Line : before I came out with that I weighed five stone ten .
25 Erm I had a phone call just before I came out , area area party , so this 'll come It 's about actually in the ward which we narrowly missed getting last time just by erm not even a very strong The by election is on September twenty third and we want leafleters this weekend , so if anybody is able to go on leafleting , which is right between It 's er I 've got the phone number for Forgot the surname but she works with Bob , so if you ring up and say this Is that Linda who works with Bob .
26 ‘ You and Salvo were talking just before I came out to breakfast .
27 I had one just before I came out ,
28 I thought I 'd gone before I came out of my house but I had a feeling when I nearly got to their school that I ought to have again .
29 But er before I came out I switched it on cos I 'm not coming back to a cold house .
30 Before we erm before I came out today I was actually talking to some of the staff at Pembroke College and mindful of coming on her I thought I 'd just ask them what they thought
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