Example sentences of "before it [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It interprets commands inserted at the beginning of document ( such as : AT FAX0716083283 ) before it interprets the ‘ Dear John ’ bit , so you can send faxes from any program on any PC , as long as it has a serial port .
2 Mr Soros made a fortune by selling sterling short before it left the ERM last September , and bought gold early in its recent rally .
3 Usually , on reconnaissance escort , the Germans drove the camera plane home within ten minutes , and often they got it before it recrossed the Line .
4 Preston threw in the towel before it went the whole distance .
5 The man lashed out with a rusted chain but Whitlock managed to roll clear before it struck the ground where he had been lying .
6 I possess a letter from one of his crew who was the last to leave the stricken Halifax whilst his Commanding Officer struggled to keep the aircraft " airborne , losing height rapidly and beseeching all the crew to get out before it struck the ground .
7 Before his own grandad had died he was alleged to have remarked , ‘ By , that wind 's a killer , ’ seconds before it blew the crane that dropped the crate that smashed his head in .
8 The blood of the wounded trickled from the bank , spilling like one of the showers that freshened the earth each day , and flowed downstream towards the sea , which was not so far that its rich scarlet could diffuse before it met the waves .
9 Suffice it to say that , after referring to the ‘ extraordinary , and perhaps unique , jurisdiction of the Visitors to the Inns of Court , ’ he found that the judges possessed a residual jurisdiction by which , in an exceptional case , they might remit a matter to an Inn and direct it to reconsider , with the Inns ' Council and the Bar Council , what ought to be the criteria by which they should judge the question before it determined the application afresh .
10 An internal well-maintained will tend to suck out the worst of the loose detritus before it clogs the undergravel .
11 It moved over to the north before it reached the camp , so that we never heard much of the thunder .
12 This was also the case around the turn of the century , when the emerging labour movement often used local political activity in particular strongholds such as East London and Sheffield to promote its aims and objectives long before it reached the national political stage .
13 It had obviously taken the wrong channel and become wedged on a rising shelf of rock strata which traversed the trough about fifty yards before it reached the lake surrounding the breakwater .
14 The air was all fresh on my face , I could be a loon myself , fling my arms about , shout across the mud-flats ( they looked just like the muddy backside of yesterday 's elephants ) and listen to my shout dissolving in the air before it reached the other side .
15 He knew of course that he would never be able to halt the train before it reached the bridge and he had his guard 's safety to think about .
16 When he reached the ticket hall the heat was so fierce the water from his hose turned to steam before it reached the fire .
17 Butler had shown a keen personal interest in the preparation of the White Paper which underwent at least four drafts before it reached the finished version .
18 The setting sun flickered through the trunks of the palm trees along the track , disappearing into haze before it reached the horizon .
19 It was still hard to believe that the pod was not going to be destroyed before it reached the ground .
20 Only the dying bull stopped before it reached the trees .
21 A rattling commotion alerted me to the patrol well before it reached the alley .
22 That is so even if the defect ( e.g. salmonella ) was present in the produce before it reached the industrial processor .
23 It rained in the sky , in long streaky sheets , but the rain dried up before it reached the ground .
24 Carried to their logical conclusion his theories meant that ( if he were right ) the attaque à outrance could be broken by a well-organised defence long before it reached the enemy .
25 The mini-skirt spread through the western world from many centres ; it appeared in Oxford Street , London , long before it reached Oxford Street , Swansea , and presumably it was seen in Chicago , Illinois , an appreciable time before it dazzled the male eyes of the " city " of Muddy in the south of the same state .
26 A match spluttering near out , before it touches the moors ,
27 The meaning of ‘ volley ’ here is : when a ball comes to the player and he hits it first time at the goal before it touches the ground .
28 The treetops thrashed violently in a wind that seemed to spend its force before it touched the ground .
29 With a paternoster , the fish will move the line to the indicator before it feels the lead .
30 Largely concerned with the protection of church and clergy , correct religious observance by ecclesiastics and laymen , and the rendering of church dues , it ends with exhortation : possibly it too was preached to king and court before it received the royal assent .
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