Example sentences of "before the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sharpe was deliberately curbing the stallion to take shorter slower steps , thus letting the eager Frenchman overtake him , but , just a heartbeat before the sun-bright sabre whipped hard down , Sharpe jerked the long sword back and upwards .
2 Some misunderstanding arises about the overlap during the afternoon period , because within this period one group of staff will have to take lunch when the afternoon shift arrive on duty and the others to take tea before the early shift goes off duty .
3 Secondly the cleavage efficiency at each site is affected by the surrounding sequences so that a T residue before the GY site increases cleavage whereas an A reduces cleavage [ 8,23 ] .
4 Again she heard herself say , ‘ that' , and then she managed to stammer , ‘ w … was my sister , ’ before the floating feeling overcame her and she-knew she was falling into somewhere .
5 Later on , and particularly in 1950 , one might wonder whether the particulars of US policy towards Vietnam had been swamped in the generalities of across-the-board resistance to communism ; but even before some critics have discerned a militarization and globalization of US policy , and before the emotional climate of the US changed , one may see , as a piece of sober analysis , the beginning of a policy based on certain not altogether unfounded assumptions about communism , China , and the objectives of the Soviet Union .
6 She needed to get away and think things through , before the emotional burden toppled her control .
7 The fact remains that it will be a long time before the legal profession properly shakes off the constraints of client expectation that force it to underplay its modern role .
8 Were the naturalists who studied adaptation doing real ecology before the modern name for the science was coined — or did something recognizably like modern ecology only come into existence when the term ‘ ecology ’ became popular in the 1890s ?
9 Meanwhile , to forestall the wreck , the party secretariat prepared to wind up the secret Supply and Transport Committee before the Labour Party uncovered its strike-breaking organisation .
10 Indeed , the persistent rumours before the current attack had been responsible in some measure for the slowness of the authorities to react on Dec. 1 , 1989 , and coup rumours continued well into 1990 .
11 Other proposals under consideration include revoking permission for peat extraction ( often operated under old " interim development orders " obtained before the current system of planning permission came into effect ) , and imposing a carbon tax on peat production ( reflecting the fact that undeveloped peat bogs act as a carbon sink ) .
12 Winners Many cashed in on their success by exiting just before the current recession began
13 Mr Perez was unpopular long before the current corruption charges were made .
14 It is a reluctance that already had very interesting echoes for the Middle East , even before the current crisis broke out .
15 The field interviews with users reveal that , before the current outbreak , there were only a few isolated ‘ pockets ’ of opioid users in Wirral .
16 Direct access to university libraries is still required for those theses deposited before the individual university began participating in the BLDSC microfilming scheme , and for the very small number of UK universities which do not take part in that scheme .
17 The private club faced closure before the Japanese firm stepped in with the 2,000-fish donation .
18 Many factors need to be addressed before the private sector will venture enthusiastically into this form of care provision .
19 In June 1561 , just before the personal rule began , Elizabeth 's ambassador Nicholas Throckmorton warned her that ‘ your realm is in no other case at this day , than all other realms of Christendom are ’ , by which he meant torn by religious controversy and conflict ; in the twentieth century , J. H. Elliott was to characterize this period as the decade of revolution , when Scotland was only one of eight countries including France , Spain , the Netherlands and England which experienced upheaval and revolt .
20 It was n't long before the personal friendship became a working set-up , too .
21 We may have to await reports from the British Association and the Royal Society of Arts , the Engineering Fellowship and other bodies before the necessary sea change occurs .
22 For example , if a particular method of prevention ( or treatment ) is of uncertain value , there are many obstacles to be passed before the necessary research can be conducted , from seeking funds and securing the necessary collaboration to obtaining consent from many local research ethics committees .
23 In southern Beirut on March 13 clashes took place between the two rival Shia Moslem militias , the Syrian-backed Amal and the Iranian-backed Hezbollah , killing seven people and wounding 34 , before the Syrian army intervened to stop the fighting .
24 He was hauled before the disciplinary committee after a video showed him clashing with opposition scrum-half Mike Ford during a brawl .
25 Once any observations have been received , these and the complaint will be considered by the Director and an honourary officer and their Decision as to whether there is a case to answer before the disciplinary committee will be conveyed in writing .
26 There was nearly a mile of dense woodland at this point before the swampy ground began and it was over an hour before Crane returned saying that no-one had passed on that side .
27 And yet the amniote egg is a curious phenomenon since it arrived , as in other examples , before the environmental need for it arose .
28 Attempts to attract candidates without this bias are very difficult to make successfully , especially as much of the self-selection process will have taken place by social conditioning in homes , schools and colleges , long before the Civil Service Commission enters into the reckoning .
29 Such a one was John Kirk of Bowmore , who kept a diary from the time he went to America in 1852 , before the Civil War , and gives a vivid account of his impressions of Canada , Boston , and sweat and slavery in the South , but only a short account of his later years when he had returned to Islay .
30 Such a one was John Kirk of Bowmore , who kept a diary from the time he went to America in 1852 , before the Civil War , and gives a vivid account of his impressions of Canada , Boston , and sweat and slavery in the South , but only a short account of his later years when he had returned to Islay .
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