Example sentences of "least for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 TCCB , known in the past to have administered punishment for long-past ‘ sins ’ , or at least for the disreputable later exposure of them , will have to decide whether Beefy 's tale of being ‘ extremely inebriated ’ in Perth five years ago , when he forgot his bat and had to go back for it before smashing 48 off Western Australia , is an indictable offence .
2 The international network , at least for the Western imperial system , added a long ocean voyage between two rail journeys .
3 And in this competition , at least for the disadvantaged , group pressure for special favours ( ‘ affirmative action ’ ) is the most powerful weapon available .
4 By organizing much of the process yourself , at least for the key posts , you will enhance your ability to select the right person .
5 If the letters " commencE " had been identified , then the remaining letter would not be in doubt , at least for the skilled reader .
6 Though he was later subtly dismissive of the assembly , he undoubtedly appreciated its value at the time , not least for the good publicity it gave him in the British and American press .
7 The most versatile stone in his long catalogue was sapphire , which he held to be good for protecting the limbs from injury and the wearer from fraud , as well as for overcoming envy , averting terror , liberating from imprisonment , purifying the eyes , cooling the body and not least for the convenient property of making the wearer beloved of god as well as of men .
8 Integration and complementary roles are necessary for effectiveness in the new strategic dispositions of our forces , not least for the Rapid Reaction Corps .
9 The Stockholm Open would have a strong claim , but so too would Tokyo , not least for the enormous amount of Japanese funding there is these days for tennis .
10 It is time at least for the English language to take on the concept of child-friendliness .
11 The Chancellor has evidently made it clear to Moscow that West Germany respects East Germany 's existence as a separate state , that it does not want to alter the present military set-up of Nato and the Warsaw Pact , and that although it aims to overcome the division of Europe , this does not also apply to the political division of Germany — at least for the foreseeable future .
12 The real and only alternative to Thatcherism , at least for the foreseeable future , was a return of the old two-party system , with Labour moving back towards credibility .
13 For one thing , as it applies only to areas of new or rehabilitated housing , it can have only a marginal impact on overall levels of safety in all residential areas , at least for the foreseeable future .
14 Work on the upper pond is progressing , and soon it should be a think of beauty and joy at least for the foreseeable future , if not forever .
15 Finally it would be unrealistic to raise hopes of restoring part of the railway itself as has been done elsewhere , at least for the foreseeable future .
16 The government 's decision — a rough mixture of logic and irrationality — to establish a ‘ binary ’ system of higher education completed , at least for the foreseeable future , the policy diagram which contained the CNAA .
17 Some critics of the Delors Plan have maintained that while the creation of a European currency union may reap net benefits for a number of EC member countries , for others membership of such a union will be positively harmful , at least for the foreseeable future .
18 At least for the short period of time he expected the combat to last .
19 That means Mr Maxwell will remain at the helm of the club at least for the short term .
20 But it is now clear the discussions are entering the final stages , at least for the forseeable future .
21 It is also possible to unwind a futures contract at any time by performing a reversing trade , so futures contracts are generally extremely liquid ( at least for the near maturing contracts ) .
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