Example sentences of "least [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 One decision will save local authorities at least part of the £500m they owe banks on contracts which they freely entered into .
2 Could not private investment fill at least part of the gap ?
3 Sir James Matheson , who had made a fortune in the China trade , bought the Isle of Lewis in 1844 , and at least part of the large sums he spent there ( in addition to famine relief and assistance for emigration ) appears to have been of direct benefit to the islanders .
4 However , often the best way of challenging a dysfunctional attitude is to test out the validity of the attitude , for example a client who believed he could not stand going to a party might be invited to test this belief out by going , for at least part of the time .
5 Almost a quarter of a random sample of adults dying in 1987 had spent at least part of the last year of their lives in a residential or nursing home ; one in eight spent all of that year in one .
6 A further 9 per cent of the people who died spent at least part of the last twelve months of their lives in such homes ; so almost a quarter , 23 per cent , were in residential homes at some stage in the last year of their lives .
7 The number of species of animals and plants living today runs into millions , and similar numbers of species have probably lived on earth for at least part of the earth 's history .
8 He subsequently went into partnership ; Stratford Mills were operated by Biddle and Bishop during the 1830s , although in later years , other tenants such as corn merchants , Reynolds and Allen , occupied at least part of the mills .
9 The turn of the century saw at least part of the site turned over to saw milling , but by 1911 Gladman and Co , piano makers , were there .
10 But it must be recognized that to teach about Christianity though it entails teaching about Christian doctrine , with the gospels and at least part of the Old Testament as the source and background of that doctrine , in no sense involves proselytizing .
11 During this century , Indians have had their communal lands broken up , forcing the majority to become migrant labourers in the coastal areas for at least part of the year , in conditions often approaching serfdom .
12 They stay open late for at least part of the week , so that customers can shop after work
13 Jack Cowan , working at the California Institute of Technology , Pasadena , California , thinks that at least part of the hallucinogenic experience may result from an instability of neural activity in the visual cortex .
14 More specifically , we have found that there are adaptive reasons that seem to explain at least part of the variation that Lewontin cites in each of his examples .
15 If his claim stands up , it establishes that at least part of the redshift in the light from some astronomical objects is not produced simply by their recession from us in the expanding Universe , and that blunts the cutting edge of the most important tool in observational cosmology .
16 ‘ BHP should have used at least part of the money to invest in new technology and upgrade and improve its competitive standing in Australia . ’
17 Both techniques proved to have been subject to persistent human errors which accounted for at least part of the apparent change in the size of the Sun .
18 Every Scot knows at least part of the story of the massacre , but many are not aware of the background that led up to the atrocity and too little is known about the heinous wickedness of some of the characters involved .
19 The argument that the position of the Phillips curve depends on inflationary expectations may provide at least part of the explanation for the empirical breakdown of the original Phillips curve in the late 1960s .
20 Many large companies , including Merrill Lynch , Shearson Lehman , and Bear Stearns , have allowed employees to take at least part of the bonus money they expect to earn before December 31 .
21 But top insurers said terrorism was a political problem not a commercial one , so the Government should pick up at least part of the tab for future claims .
22 At least part of the explanation is the setback in February caused by the explosion which destroyed the headquarters of the Alliance Party in Cromwell Road , Belfast .
23 Although he intended to live in the house , for at least part of the time , he saw it too as saleable and the value or price of it ( however you liked to put it ) going up every year .
24 Finally there were those who argued that it was essential to keep British control over at least part of the British car industry and that , after all the taxpayers money invested in Austin Rover , the company should not be turned over to Ford , a US multinational .
25 In Lancaster , where I 'd come out , there had always been a mixed scene ; in many places outside the big towns , most of the lesbians and gay men continued to hang together for at least part of the time because there did n't seem enough of us to consider doing much else .
26 ‘ In the name of humanity and civilisation , the Government should accept at least part of the international burden , ’ he said .
27 You may prefer to pay more for a course geared specifically to the needs of health visitors rather than something more general , and may be able to recoup at least part of the costs of attending a course from your local continuing education budget .
28 The society 's board of trustees is hoping that at least part of the funds it needs by June will come from government sources : in response to a stampede of scholars from around the world who invaded the library in what were to be its final days last month , local government provided an emergency $66,000 to keep the library open until 2 April .
29 Tajan hoped to recuperate at least part of the FFr30 million by holding another auction in Tokyo last June ( see The Art Newspaper No.16 , March 1992 , p.18 ) .
30 That issue has been sharpened even further by the fate of the millions of Jews murdered in Nazi extermination camps — a fate for which centuries of Christian anti-semitism must bear at least part of the blame .
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