Example sentences of "least [prep] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I stood up for six questions , not least for question No. 3 , in which I have a constituency interest .
2 The training offered by Compact must be at least of YTS standard .
3 This is not new to Canadian poetry , as Desmond Pacey declares , not least of A.J. M. Smith 's poetry .
4 If there is no release , then after six hours ' detention , in steps the ‘ review officer ’ , at least of inspector rank , again unconnected with the investigation , who now determines whether there is sufficient evidence to charge .
5 But the breed 's origins are uncertain and the theories are numerous — that they are almost directly descended from the wild aurochs , for example ( the claim of many a breed ! ) or are at least of Bos primigenius stock like the Podolians of the steppes , or are descended from large , long-horned continental cattle imported several centuries ago ( some say by the Romans ) , or were imported 3,000–4,000 years ago , or came from Ireland where they were an ancient indigenous type , or were developed from Dutch and old English breeds before the eighteenth century , or must have Norse origins because of their coat colour and pattern .
6 In any case , at that time the head of the chancery needed to be acquainted more with Roman law , or at least with canon law , than common law , for chancery was just then beginning to function as a court of equity , a notion unfamiliar in the common law .
7 Research in child development suggests that there appear to be no differences between male and female humour , at least until school age , where boys go in for practical jokes more than girls .
8 No announcements from UI are anticipated , at least until Unix Expo in September .
9 County Council 's similarly encouraged by the widest support inclusion of the policy has elicited , as I say at least in principle Chairman , and most of the respondents to alteration number three .
10 Probably there is a similar cost , at least in management time , for the company .
11 A philosophical account gives the necessary and sufficient conditions ( at least in outline form ) for the application of a concept , and it should , therefore , apply in principle to anything that is a case of that concept .
12 The term has also long been associated with powerful aesthetic connotations , with that which is colourfully beguiling , especially in interior decoration and furnishing , and not least in garden ornament .
13 The result , at least in Nikol'skaia volost' , was that the few literates from the old regime were starting to occupy the best bureaucratic jobs and to run parish-pump economics and politics in ways barely supervised from above and in fact quite inimical to the aspirations of the guberniia officials .
14 The overall effect has again been to widen still further the gap in living standards between those at either end of the income scale , and to expose still further the underclass , who benefit least from tax welfare .
15 It was a display which earned high praise , not least from Coventry boss Bobby Gould .
16 It estimates that the 60MHz chips are 10% less powerful than the 66MHzs , at least on integer performance which measures 64.5 Specint92 and 56.9 Specfp92 .
17 It estimates that the 60MHz chips are 10% less powerful than the 66s , at least on integer performance which measures 64.5 Specint92 and 56.9 Specfp92 .
18 I know what my problem is , so I think to myself at least on Christmas Day I can have one normal , decent day .
19 Keep hair height on top to a minimum and wear hair at least to chin length if you can .
20 The Training Agency has made it clear that in order for Compacts to attract its support , they must offer training at least to Youth Training Scheme ( YTS ) standards , and that jobs offered must be at full employed status .
21 It was concluded that mammalian carnivores produce greater degrees of breakage generally than do avian raptors , and there are sufficient differences between them to enable identification of the predator on breakage pattern alone at least to family level .
22 THE new captain of Preston Grasshoppers is none other than England lock WADE DOOLEY , which wold suggest that — at least at club level — the ‘ Blackpool Tower ’ has every intention of playing on for a little while .
23 Much hard work had gone into preparing the evening not least by Theresa Gardener and Anne Wright who , at half time , conjured up a most delicious home-made hot pot and a superb apple pie and cream — for 100 people !
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