Example sentences of "to get in [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Or he was trying to get in through the one window in the house which was approachable from the tree side .
2 Mostly she quizzed me about the burglars and I said they 'd tried to get in through the bathroom window and one of them had put a foot through it , probably coming from the roof next door , and I generally made out that there was a whole gang of footpads up there lying in wait for Santa Claus .
3 " How many ? " , etc. ( e.g. " How many arrow slits are there in the north wall ? " ) , but should include questions of " Why ? " and " How ? " ( e.g. " Explain why it is so difficult for an attacker to get in through the castle gate " ) .
4 yes , yes , that 's why it tells us in verse twenty four of Luke thirteen ex exert yourself vigorously to get in through the narrow door
5 She wanted to get in off the doorstep .
6 She does n't know how he got through the main doors and an electronically operated gate to get in to the courtyard where the car is always left unlocked .
7 Deep enough , at any rate , for a boat to get in to the boat-house which was tucked in under the cliff at the southern end of the bay , below the path where I stood .
8 erm because , to get in to the flat they 'd either to go up stairs from the deck , or downstairs from the deck , and to try and manage that with small children , probably a buggy and shopping as well .
9 And when we say , or the A N C and democratic organizations say , that you need a five percent vote to cross the hurdle to get in to the assembly and then you , you , you 're a member of their parliament so to say and then what do we hear ?
10 So they 're actually charging people a little bit more to get in to the pantomime this year .
11 Seen now , these early British films still have a feeling of freshness and spontaneity that derives from the natural performances of non-actors , and a loose approach to framing which allows interesting material to get in at the edge of the picture .
12 Mercer used his pace in the second half to get in at the corner after Harmon 's effort and Forster scored after a quick-witted kick by Turner , who also kicked five goals .
13 I think they have to , this is why we have to get in at the beginning , and be , be part of the structure .
14 ‘ The lesson of milk quotas is that you 've got to get in at the start .
15 Norman 's invitation to this year 's Masters was looked at with raised eyebrows by many , especially since , at this writing , the ever-steady Tom Kite needed to win New Orleans to get in on the Georgia garden party .
16 Great care must be exercised when buying in Germany as high prices gained in the sale of dogs are told and retold throughout the training clubs of Germany and as you can imagine , many German breeders want to get in on the act !
17 They are not anxious for others to get in on the act .
18 But in the wings , British Telecom wants to get in on the act .
19 When the hot tub craze swept through California in the late 1970s middle-aged Wesley Laroya and his wife Helen were quick to get in on the action .
20 Indeed , the business is so popular that professional pornography producers are trying to get in on the action with their own ‘ amateur ’ videos .
21 The US and Japan pretty much have the microprocessor design business to themselves , but now it looks as if Taiwan 's government-backed Computer & Communication Research Laboratories is trying to get in on the act .
22 Certain men have been trying to get in on the politically correct act for a while .
23 The scope for an entrepreneur to get in on the ground floor and turn petrol stations into shops supplying parts and oils was obvious — to those with an eye for business .
24 Eddie Thorning and I saw a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor , and make money by gaining competitive advantage through an oil-and-parts offer to workshops and petrol stations . ’
25 Then , when word got out that Hurley again had a drawerful of money to pay for information , everybody in Beirut would try to get in on the act , making things up if they had to .
26 Such is the state of computer technology for the registration and running of club membership lists that hobby-based clubs for children or adults like this , run by publishers , could well proliferate , and lively booksellers might do well to get in on the act .
27 Were there any other rival boatmen , people trying to get in on the scene ?
28 Now we want to get in on the act .
29 To get in on the educational field one must parrot the latest jargon even if it is rejected by ‘ one ’ .
30 It was then that Nigger decided to get in on the act , and launched himself the length of the hallway .
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