Example sentences of "to get at [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , Sir John Cockroft was in the USA at the time , did not attend the lecture and so was unable to get at first hand insights into what the Soviets had , and had not , done .
2 That is , while it may prove difficult or impossible to devise the appropriate experiment to get at young children 's appreciation of logical necessity , they may reveal that they have a measure of understanding of logical necessity in what they say and do in everyday contexts .
3 Instead he raised his talons and struck at the wire mesh in his own turn , which only provoked the other eagle to do the same again , the sounds of both of them increased by the flapping of their great wings and the crashing of their beaks on the cage walls as they vainly tried to get at each other .
4 ‘ As far as I can see there is only one house that is easier to get at that way than by going through the town , and that is the house on stilts . ’
5 Interacting with the television is the only sort of intercourse you 're going to get at that age .
6 Sure enough , Version 3.4 sports SmartIcons , like its Windows relation , which give a pictorial way to get at that power more intuitively than the still-resident backslash menus .
7 So we 're extending the way that information systems can be used by users who traditionally have not been en empowered or enabled to get at that information .
8 And that is a er an A P I which is very similar in approach to O D B C in that it enables you using a consistent interface to get at any data source within the organization .
9 ‘ Of course , if you 're not interested , there are those who would snap my arm off to get at this piece of land . ’
10 Punctuated by interjections from Mark , Clem told the story of how Mark had fallen into a barrel of high viscosity oil while standing on the lid to get at another barrel with his hand pump .
11 Did he hope by that means to get at some truth he thought she was concealing ?
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