Example sentences of "to get to the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 And when they came to the sea , so great was the press among them to get to the ships , that more than ten thousand died in the water .
2 The fire was discovered at 3 a.m. by a master working late , and together with two boys — one of whom climbed a waterspout to get to the juniors ' bedroom via the roof and the other operated a hand-pump in dense smoke — managed to raise the alarm .
3 So the quickest way to get to the woods , if you were part of the Martin household , was to enter the orchard farthest from the house and climb over the vine-clad wall at its end .
4 In particular , during the discrimination trials , the children ‘ dutifully ’ followed the example set by the model , even when she took an indirect route to the boxes , which more than doubled the distance to be travelled and ‘ was clearly incompatible with the subjects ’ eagerness to get to the containers ' .
5 Right , the reason that er an officer would still stay er with an eleven year old child , a three year old child , or t to get to the realms of fantasy a ninety year old person is that person can still be at risk not necessarily from the police officers , but from anybody else in that building and therefore they 've got to remain er in that room until such time as I 'm satisfied that everything is clear .
6 Although it seemed very efficient , one improvement I might suggest would be to mount the covers on spring rollers , because the drivers found it difficult to get to the bikes with the covers pressing on them while they worked .
7 The reason I 'm asking is that I 'm attempting to get to the games coming up against Norwich at home and Liverpool away .
8 He wore an open-neck shirt and trousers that needed pressing , but he 'd apologized for his ‘ unkempt ’ condition when he 'd first greeted them , explaining that he 'd been decorating at home and had pulled on the first things to hand in his haste to get to the waxworks .
9 Kate , a poor little rich girl with her own private rink , can barely keep a partner long enough to get to the Olympics , let alone win a gold medal .
10 erm I want to get to the homes you know the old er
11 You really have to get to the circles before the coaches arrive and mess things up . ’
12 And they 've got to get to the chutes to dispositer the rubbish .
13 The occasion seemed to get to the Aussies then , and this time there will be a 78,000 full house to worry them .
14 He does n't have to pass our door to get the bus stop , he does n't have to pass our door to get to the schools
15 To get to the Bungles in the first place needs a certain pioneering spirit as it involves a seven-hour drive from Kununurra , and the last three are over rough terrain that can be tackled only by four-wheel-drive vehicles .
16 Desperate scribes battled with bureaucracy to try to get to the athletes .
17 Some of these creatures were almost flying in their desire to get to the nomes .
18 If nothing is readily available you find yourself trying to thaw out the cheesecake from the bottom of the freezer ( nobody will miss it , will they ? ) , or working out how long it will take you to get to the shops and back with a bag-full of goodies .
19 Alice 's mother-in-law thought she was going to have an afternoon 's shopping , it was what she liked doing herself , and she believed , without any evidence for this , that Alice had been longing to get to the shops on her own .
20 It takes only 10 minutes to get to the shops in the wheelchair .
21 A lot of people use them , families with young children and elderly people who all need to get to the shops .
22 You 'll have no seed left before you 're able to get to the shops to buy more .
23 I was going on with it , all the bumps were okay but when I was actually inside the building again I hung on to GrandPat to get to the steps but my hand slipped so I was going round with the current so I tried to hold on to the orange thing that they had put there but I slipped off that and I kept on going round and the lifeguard gave erm me and somebody else a hoop and we both grabbed onto it
24 The main files were destroyed in the explosion , but they also managed to get to the back-ups and destroy them . ’
25 Patrick intended to get to the suspects first .
26 He wanted to get to the phone-calls .
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