Example sentences of "to get [adv prt] in the " in BNC.

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1 Boys should go to school because they need the skills to get on in the world , because they will spend their lives moving between household and family and the institutions of state and nation .
2 A large , fleshy , amiable bloke with a shock of gingery brown hair and a chummy manner which concealed a burning desire to be somebody , to get on in the world , Mick ( how his new girlfriend , Amanda , hated that nickname ! ) had no real interest in the ideological struggle .
3 She meant to get on in the world .
4 Look how difficult it is for women to get on in the medical or legal profession !
5 Alison Rubenstein discovered at an early age that if you want to get on in the world and have a good career , hard work is not enough — qualifications can also be a great help .
6 If it becomes obvious during the base leg or final turn that you are far too high to be able to get down in the chosen field , it is often possible to make an S-turn to use up some of the height .
7 He had to wait until nine o'clock to telephone the garage , and he had been told they had no time that morning and would try to get down in the afternoon .
8 In general , however , the President stood aloof , refusing as he put it " to get down in the gutter with that guy " .
9 I to get down in the cupboard .
10 Philippa had come early because she wanted to get in in the hope of finding an earring she had lost , before the cleaner started on the room .
11 For many people life today is such a bustling affair with so many things to get through in the day that it is not difficult to forget to be aware of what is around us .
12 Colleagues I 'd just like to put one of er John 's themes and that is that for the next couple of days we 've got a hell of a lot of business to get through and er we 've done quite well so far but er I would certainly be looking where possible colleagues for formally seconding er , as often as possible , if not all the time and I really appreciate your er your assistance in that regard because we have a great deal of business to get through in the next two days .
13 doing the writing to get over in the description cos they talk about the swirling sea
14 Yet it is not uncommon for people who can not get to sleep , or who have woken up , to get up in the middle of the night and to make themselves a snack because they are hungry .
15 ‘ Making ten films is truly boring , ’ he says ‘ If I had worked continuously with the same cameraman , I would n't have been able to get up in the morning .
16 It was hard to imagine Eleanor 's contrariness , since she rarely saw it , but even , Dorothea told herself , were she the dearest , most unselfish soul in the world , she is old , nevertheless , Alida has to carry heavily trays up and down stairs and see the food being left uneaten , to get up in the middle of night after night , to listen to the rambling memories , to put up with incoherence and with having to repeat everything because her mother did not remember .
17 My brother and I used to have a joke — we saw how hard our father worked — that we would only consider medicine if we could become specialists in venereal diseases , because we would never have to get up in the middle of the night and we would never be out of work .
18 Lion Cavern came from last in a race run at a slow early pace , to get up in the finalstrides and score by a head from long-time leader River Falls , with Swing Low a further length away third , and Rodrigo de Triano failing to run on in the final furlong and weakening for fourth .
19 Some winners in the past have been temperamental and failed to get up in the morning , but on the whole they go out as boys and come back as men . ’
20 The men who lived at the graphite pits in 1898 — 9 were the same persons who would be likely to get up in the middle of the night to help take stolen cattle five kilometres to the next relay team , thereby earning a little money and easing the tedium of village life .
21 Even then she had found it difficult to get up in the morning , had begged and pleaded to be allowed to lie in a little longer , had gone back to sleep more often than not , the forerunner , Cecilia supposed , of her present practice of often lying in bed till noon .
22 His first revolt against the culture of women 's subordination was " against my mother having to get up in the morning , like they all did , to cut the bread for the lads .
23 Oh yeah often used to get up in the morning and look out of the bedroom window and see a pheasant in the back garden
24 They 're training us now , to get up in the morning , to go to the centre .
25 She used to get up in the morning , every Tuesday and Friday and catch the half past seven bus , from to Nottingham and another bus down to Boulevard , to Miss 's , do a day 's skivvying and come back again , and then do her ironing and so forth , at night-time .
26 Now , tonight , there is nothing to look forward to , no reason to get up in the morning or move from one day into the next .
27 When my sister was a baby he used to get up in the night to see her .
28 And all his working life his mind was set on when he retired , instead of down doing it , you know , late at night he was going to be able to get up in the morning and do it .
29 Sometimes I got to get up in the night and walk about and
30 You had to get up in the morning and see that there was plenty of a great pot of of hot water , boiling water .
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