Example sentences of "go on [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then we can go on up the highway until we catch them , ’ Hugh suggested .
2 How did you go on at the fox hunt today ?
3 For a second it looked as though she would go on with the game , but then she stopped smiling and her eyes slid away from his .
4 ‘ To keep Bones , would you rather go on with the competition ? ’
5 whether they would go on with the scheme or with a part of it , having the public offices in a well-devised and properly-arranged manner , all connected with each other , instead of being , as now , disconnected .
6 The doctor then told Alexander that he must go on with the treatment .
7 They laughed so much , they could n't go on with the interview .
8 ‘ You must go on with the preparations as though you were alone .
9 ‘ I must go on with the post , but I 'll send somebody to help you as soon as I can .
10 We are here to have a committee meeting about the Season , and about your attitude , and indeed about whether we can go on with the Season at all . ’
11 Could n't go on with the performance even with the understudies because of the police coming in .
12 Also , I learned to appreciate that as a critic you say what you have to say and go on to the next thing in LA you never go on to the next thing . ’
13 ‘ You away in and I 'll go on to the hotel by myself .
14 Some , however , will go on to the tertiary or ‘ gummatous ’ stage and a few will go on to develop neurological or cardiovascular complications .
15 ‘ We 'd better go on to the farm and buy … ’
16 She will now go on to the next leg of the Boots Customer Service Award — the district semi-finals .
17 Ron said that I should not go on to the track and kill myself because I might pull a hamstring .
18 Then we 'll meet ye all at the Curragh Bar for a few good old jars , and then we 'll go on to the hotel .
19 ‘ He should have knocked the guy cold and not let him go on to the fourth round .
20 This means I can now go on to the fourth stage , a five day course in the Alps , before working for 30 days alongside a qualified guide as a kind of apprentice .
21 Yes because what happens when you 've got just a very thin L , the magic E can even work through it , U , right , so it will be jugle , yeah , jugle , that would n't be the right pronunciation at all , okay , let's go on to the next one
22 For myself , I would let the others go on to the caves and pass the time instead above ground in the large riverside village of Saint-Pé ( the Gascon form of Pierre ) -de-Bigorre , which has a nicely arcaded square and a few pleasing remains of its old abbey church , once the grandest religious building in the Pyrenees but now part in effect of the dull parish church that later replaced it , after it had been fired by Protestant arsonists in the Wars of Religion .
23 ‘ We can go on to the depot at 80° South , leave the food there , and then go back .
24 You do n't go on to the next bit till you 've worked that one out .
25 Erm Let's go on to the next question now about erm Just wondering what what on what cir under what circumstances , the police get involved in domestic disturbances on the flats ?
26 Do you do you think erm your father when he started the shop in twenty six , would ever imagined that it could possibly go on to the the end of the century ?
27 ‘ Fenella will go on to the Fire Court , of course , ’ said Floy , who had very nearly managed to convince himself of this .
28 Let's go on to the Fire Court .
29 In the street outside the hotel , a crowd cheered and cheered ; periodically someone would go on to the balcony and throw roses down to the assembled admirers .
30 Mother used to come too , although she was chapel , and then we would go on to the Methodist service in the evening .
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