Example sentences of "go [prep] [art] [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Might as well go for the best , ’ Roman said , and Claudia wrinkled her nose at him .
2 IBM always did go for the best , aiming for the long term .
3 round and says right , cos you 've both had an increase , I 'm gon na go for the cheapest one .
4 He thinks that employers will go for the cheapest labour they can .
5 The village primary school has already told her parents she can go into the youngest class in September , a month before her fourth birthday .
6 The earliest large-scale sculpture we have in limestone or marble does not go with the earliest Daedalic ; but the wide acceptance of such an individual style is most naturally explained by supposing it the creation of one artist or school producing major works at major sanctuaries .
7 ‘ And he did let the villagers go before the worst of the fighting started , ’ Carter said .
8 Yeah I might , I mean I might I might go in the best ones I can get .
9 In practice , therefore , we must go to the smallest convenient unit as our basis of correlation .
10 Pride of place in the auction tomorrow will go to the rarest tractors which came originally from the States .
11 If there 's another raid and it gets bad , we 'll go to the nearest tube station .
12 They will then go to the nearest telephone and receive their message from the operator .
13 If the bees found the food by smell they would go to the nearest dish ; but , in fact they went to the original dish which the first bee had been to .
14 A radio paging system means staff can be bleeped when needed , all they have to do is go to the nearest intercom substation and they are straight through to reception or the management office .
15 Progressive landlords still owned a lot of land and redistribution often did n't go to the poorest peasants but to peasants who were members of the Communist Party .
16 The title Duke of Cornwall and the estate to go with it dates back to 1337 , when Edward III created it to give his eldest son , the Black Prince , an income and somewhere to live ; it was he who decreed that it should always go to the eldest son .
17 That is , it will go to the highest cash bidder who presents a sound business plan plus the prospect of programmes of a certain minimum quality .
18 The Mayor has decided that the nameplate will go to the highest bid received by post .
19 The last word does not always go to the fastest gun .
20 A £10 prize will go to the best letter published each month .
21 But there were no flights , so I said , ‘ Look , mate , we 're never going to have this amount of money and time again , let's go to the best place in the world for birds — Peru . ’
22 The other will go to the best parody of a Melvyn love-scene ( about 250 words ) that accompanies an entry .
23 The honour of making the first speech may go to the best speaker or the best friend , providing your choice keeps as many people as possible happy !
24 So I will budget and go around the markets and that , and find the best buys and he 'll just go to the best shops because it is convenient .
25 A £10 prize will go to the best letter published each month .
26 The £200 prize will go to the best presentation by a post graduate student .
27 Tomorrow , she would go to the finest jeweller in London and sell the gems for the best price she could get .
28 We believe that that should go to the lowest level .
29 The top end of the waste-management industry encourages such scruples : after all , if waste can go to the cheapest hole , who will pay for expensive treatment plants ?
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