Example sentences of "week when [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Wednesday 's injury crisis will ease next week when England striker David Hirst starts his comeback from a cracked ankle .
2 Mr McNeilage , 26 , and four other members of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund team were trapped last week when Rwandan Government forces clashed with guerrillas of the country 's Patriotic Front after the massacre of 300 Tutsi tribesmen .
3 Your comment was made in a week when manufacturing output fell for the seventh successive quarter and unemployment rose for the 23rd successive month .
4 Anyone believing that the personal computer price wars have abated are in for a rude shock this week when Compaq Computer Corp brings out a plethora of new machines , including its first stab at a multimedia model , and cuts prices significantly on its existing products .
5 These surveys come in the week when Carlton Television , which takes over the Thames franchise in the new year , announced its schedule .
6 The fares war took a new twist last week when Jersey European , one of the most aggressive of the UK 's small regional airlines , announced the introduction of free rail tickets from Gatwick to Victoria station for passengers flying from Belfast City Airport .
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