Example sentences of "days when [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The days when a vegetarian was looked upon as someone odd , even a freak , are now long past and today those whose eating preference is for non-meat products are not only respected , but , perhaps more importantly , actively catered for in shops , restaurants and other food outlets .
2 Devotees of the Hitchcock film will be gratified to hear that Buchan 's book is even more chock-full of incident , cross-country chases , gung-ho and derring-do : a stirring monument to the days when a man of action might still be possessed of a stiff-upper-lipped charm and accomplishment .
3 Just the way you once wished it could when you were regretting the good old days when a man could keep his unsuitable mistress hidden away , knowing she 'd be there waiting upon his pleasure , whenever he felt the urge and could spare the time to see her .
4 Even that very first night , at that party at the Estwicks ’ place , you were wishing we lived in the days when a man could keep his mistress hidden away . ’
5 Though circumstances are so changed it is relevant to remember that in their heyday syllabubs were regarded as refreshments to be offered at card parties , ball suppers and at public entertainments , rather than just as a pudding for lunches and dinners , although they did quite often figure as part of the dessert in the days when a choice of sweetmeats , fruits , jellies , confectionery and creams was set out in a formal symmetrical array in the centre of the table .
6 Gone are the days when a couple furnished their house from top to bottom in a style that fitted in with the tastes of friends , neighbours , colleagues at work , or cronies down at the pub or tennis club .
7 Back in the days when a groat and a half , etc .
8 In th i in the old days when a firm would come along and pack everything , then they said that , and that was quite true , that they would pack everything and then they would be responsible if damage was done .
9 I had only been at home for about ten days when a friend of mine asked me to join him on a journey to the East Indies .
10 What happens during the first few days when a resident comes to live in a Home ?
11 In the days when a gold sovereign meant something when you went abroad
12 We have own a pony days when a child is allocated a pony and one of the stable hands takes care of the child and helps them look after the pony .
13 Those were the days when a farm worker earned about thirty shillings a week , and three pounds was quite a good wage , so it is not surprising that a Saturday afternoon at the cinema cost tuppence , and four different sweets could be bought for a penny .
14 IN THE days when a pocket calculator cost £100 and microcomputers were a thing of the future , I saw a niche for a book of cartoons of the genre that appeared in the computer rags .
15 As each ride had five gondolas , it is easy to see why the various fair magnates were wealthy , even in the days when a ride cost 3d .
16 Older residents recall the days when a car could be driven down this lane , but years of neglect had reduced it to a narrow path .
17 Gone are the days when a set of weak states acted as enticement to the invasion of European Russia by outside powers .
18 In a way , the fat lady doctor turned sex on to its head and in those prepermissive days when no woman appeared on screen showing more than a couple of inches of cleavage , it was enough .
19 Even in the days when every dog on the street knew about the impending Digital closure , employees of the company were reluctant to talk publicly about their plight .
20 Notices warning of the dangers of thin ice were put up in the last few days when the lake froze over .
21 At that time Venturous was undergoing engine repairs and some of the crew were on rest days when the call came .
22 It spells out categorically that the golden days when the Government could cut taxes and repay debt while financing its economic policies by taxing North Sea oil and selling state assets have gone for ever .
23 Once , in the days when the building was known as Kelly 's Star Music Hall , the space had served as a beer cellar .
24 It makes the actual work of ferreting uncomfortable and those days when the rainfall is persistent are neither comfortable nor the most sporting .
25 They walked regardless of the weather : on early spring mornings when the sky was remote and pale as a plover 's egg ; on stormy autumn afternoons when they felt they could reach up and touch the lowering clouds that covered the land like a bruise ; and on frozen winter days when the sky was a white membrane stretched so tight that they could imagine it cracking with the cold .
26 The days when the voice was trained to be a beautiful sound in itself are no longer with us ; instead , the emphasis is on a more natural approach , with each actor discovering the true quality of his/her own voice , and extending its range as much as possible .
27 Those were the days when the Company was really into the Track One , Track Two stuff cover within cover mostly to fool Capitol Hill I dare say but other governments too and all to hide destabilisation .
28 The first prisoners had come here in the days when the state of war between England and Germany was still largely theoretical .
29 It is perhaps not surprising , therefore that from the early days when the state became involved in the education of the masses one of the principal aims of the curriculum enunciated by successive Presidents of the Board of Education , Ministers of Education and Secretaries of State for Education has been that of the preparation for citizenship .
30 Faldo is asking for less hype and a return to the days when the biennial encounter was a friendly , usually won by the Americans .
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