Example sentences of "thing [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You feel , perhaps , that it would be a marvellous thing to go to the Counterweight Continent and bring back a shipload of gold ? ’
2 What 's the last thing to go through a fly 's mind when it hits the front of your car ?
3 I bet that was the first thing to go into the fire .
4 Sufferers will deny that their problems have any connection with alcohol or drugs or other addictive substances or behaviour and will protect their employment until it is almost the very last thing to go before the final total surrender to addiction .
5 It was an odd thing to say ( it would n't matter if the film was brilliant — it would still probably provoke mirth among non-believers ) , but then it was also an odd thing to see in a film which was presumably trying to revamp the alien invasion genre for a new age , because it was such a throwback to the cinematic aliens of the last few years .
6 It 's one thing to sit in a classroom writing down notes but it 's quite another to come face to face with an armed murderer or a cornered rapist , you mark my words . ’
7 The first thing to try with a blocked sink , bath or basin is a pressure device .
8 John Major saying that people will have to accept restrictions on on car usages and it 's an amazing thing to come from a Tory .
9 The most difficult thing to find on a golf course .
10 It has so far only managed to produce a sample P5 running at 40MHz — just two thirds of the 66MHz speed Intel intended — and can not get the thing to work at a faster rate .
11 Second , it is trying to persuade researchers that it is a good thing to work for the military .
12 2.7 The important thing to remember about the right of action created by the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 is that it is a claim for damages suffered , not by the deceased himself , but by his family after his death .
13 ‘ Another thing to remember at the interview , ’ said Sukey pointedly , ‘ is to let Perdita do the talking .
14 Cars seem to be the most difficult thing to purchase on a cash basis .
15 It is one thing to look at an ill person and say that they are out of balance .
16 ‘ Let me warn you , my boy — it 's one thing to look like a donkey , but much easier to act like one . ’
17 ITHINK if we are ever to see grand hokum in the Mac marketplace we 'll see it in the months ahead , as the M-word — multimedia — becomes the in thing to discuss in the 1990s .
18 I think that the computer presents exactly that challenge and amongst the sorts of things I 'm thinking of is that erm it 's one thing to play with a computer toy , a game of some sort — we 've all seen them in the bar and elsewhere — it 's another thing entirely to devise your own game , to program your own rules in and then to bring your friend along and have them challenge it .
19 Erm the tribunal may well say that one of those clauses should be if you lose your driving licence you lose your job , so it 's a fairly dangerous thing to apply to the tribunal to get terms of employment sorted out .
20 I shall certainly do what I can to advance the matter , but I hesitate to say what about the paper , because I do n't think it is an easy thing to cover in a paper .
21 The hope that at least the disappearance of the Party might be one thing to emerge from a lost war was said in one report to be more widespread in rural areas than appeared to be so on the surface .
22 It 's really not the thing to do as a career .
23 Overall that would be the right thing to do as the story of Rosandra , a model who gets caught up in three ponderous political intrigues , is very laboured indeed .
24 Yeah well it 's not really the wisest thing to do on a Thursday night anyway
25 ‘ Parents may think the best thing to do with a nervous child is to tell him or her not to worry .
26 The best thing to do with a 24v Land Rover is a compromise .
27 They had also taught him that the first thing to do with a wounded man was clear his breathing .
28 Is n't this the best thing to do with a lock them in their office ?
29 I I think the best thing to do with the flutes is to put them along with the first
30 And they were both agreed that the thing to do with the club was to use it for their private purposes .
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