Example sentences of "order [to-vb] to the " in BNC.

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1 I 'd sat on my palliasse writing notes , watching Selma plait her hair , trying to decide when to get up and walk down the inlet far enough to be out of sight in order to go to the loo .
2 The last time when I went to court I got an order to go to the day training centre at Camberwell for offenders who keep on getting into trouble .
3 It 's quite funny really because er I used to go off I had an agreement with the headmaster at that particular time and he 'd h I 'd been a full time teacher with him , and he needed somebody desperately , that was the only reason obviously he wanted me back , and er I said Well look I can come back but I ca n't get back in order to go to the assembly at first .
4 He passed a year at the new University of Marburg , whose ruler favoured the Reformation and where , in order to proceed to the translation of the Old Testament , Tyndale studied Hebrew , which was not then taught in Oxford or Cambridge .
5 When they could hold it no longer the Collector shouted the order to retire to the next door : that which led from the drawing-room to the hall and where , several weeks earlier , the Collector had been lurking as he tried to make up his mind to attend the meeting of the Krishnapur Poetry Society .
6 The government did no intend then to be used in order to restore to the districts responsibilities they had lost to the counties , but many districts hoped this would be possible .
7 Dramatic playing , therefore , is continually in a state of tension between personal expression and finding the public means of presenting oneself , using language and gesture , in order to communicate to the others taking part .
8 Taken together , these facts suggest that a genetically susceptible individual must be exposed to some environmental factor in order to succumb to the disease .
9 The average national executive search firm , in order to come to the market , needs a broader range of products , However , having a broader range of service products creates problems of conflicts and interests .
10 In terms of the user interface , we have an X emulator and controller , XEC as we fondly know it by , erm in order to talk to the user through the users desktop device .
11 This quotation gives a vivid insight into how someone who is basically sympathetic towards black people can come to adopt a racialist language in order to conform to the expectations of the group , which are set by a minority of active racists .
12 The centralisation introduced an extra tier of administration at the Area Board headquarters , and in one Board , the North Eastern , this extra tier was somewhat unnecessarily introduced into an area which prior to nationalisation had had a rather efficient , centralised company undertaking , in order to conform to the organising committee 's purely advisory organisational blueprint for Boards .
13 If he acted in this way , it was not in order to conform to the customs of his time , for his attitude towards women was quite different from that of his milieu , and he deliberately and courageously broke with it . ’
14 In order to conform to the conventional direction of the papillomavirus genome the octamer sequence has been written as ATTTGCAT rather than the complementary sequence ATGCAAAT which is more often presented .
15 that in order to conform to the current building regulations it is now mandatory to have a proper er electrically mains operated smoke alarm system installed in the home .
16 The world is tragic because men and women are compelled to struggle against the oppressive , deathly forces of their social condition in order to accede to the world of the living .
17 Despite pop 's current cutting adrift of male homosexual signs , it is still possible for sexual analyses and critiques of consumer capitalism , such as can originate in the experience of gay men and women , to emerge from pop 's cultural discourse in order to point to the future :
18 Although the presence of the proctors was probably in order to assent to the lay taxes which fell upon the clergy 's temporalities , from 1341 at least they were no longer required to attend ; they were still summoned , but their absence from parliament was not deemed prejudicial to the king , no doubt because it could no longer delay or frustrate clerical taxation which was now in the hands of another body .
19 The hajduks of popular legend were Robin Hood figures , robbing the rich Turks in order to give to the poor Serbs .
20 First , society may wish to take from the rich in order to give to the poor .
21 The promotion of ‘ service ’ , mediated via citizenship , was a constant theme throughout the debate on part-time day continuation schools because more than any other single aspect it emphasized the moral value of working conscientiously in a given occupation in order to contribute to the welfare of the community ; hence the importance of creating the ‘ adaptable ’ worker .
22 ‘ I sat down at my desk with a piece of paper , and asked myself what a minister required to know in order to contribute to the debate ’ .
23 ( ii ) There is a general overriding principle that the Schedule must be interpreted by reference principally to the system and objectives of the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters signed at Brussels on 27 September 1968 in order to ensure that it is fully effective ; in order to strengthen in the Community the legal protection of persons therein established ; and in order to contribute to the proper administration of justice within the Community by preventing parallel proceedings before the courts of different contracting states , and avoiding conflict between decisions which might result from permitting such parallel proceedings to continue .
24 Much of their scholarship was carried out mutually , with Mill attributing to her a key chapter in his Principles of Political Economy , entitled ‘ On the Probable Future of the Labouring Classes ’ ( 1848 ) , in which she argued that the working classes must receive a thorough education in order to contribute to the country 's economic and social progress .
25 When various media types and units are being used , particularly if primary and secondary media items have been forced to different media types , a unit which is only able to handle secondary items will attempt to do so in order to contribute to the workload .
26 People in the regions should not have to travel to London in order to fly to the United States .
27 The package made a net adjustment of L14,200,000 million ( approximately US$10,500 million ) , including some increased indirect taxes and cuts in public expenditure , in order to keep to the budgeted deficit for 1991 of L132,000,000 million .
28 It was an aphorism of my parents-in-law that in order to respond to the arguments of the religious persuaders , it was essential to be thoroughly familiar with the content of the bible .
29 The design and content of the Active MBA at Henley remains flexible in order to respond to the changing needs and aspirations of the members and their organisations , as well as more general developments in managerial thinking .
30 We will be promoting debate on Charity Law issues , and on how voluntary organisations should organise and manage themselves in order to respond to the contract culture , which is being created by changes in the organisation of Community Care , the N H S , the role of local authorities , and other fields .
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