Example sentences of "far as i know " in BNC.

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31 As far as I know , ‘ punitive ’ means inflicting or involving punishment .
32 Part of the chapter on motivation deals with obesity , and the discussion of theories of why we stuff ourselves is capped by a cartoon in which a chef tells a fat blimp ‘ As far as I know there 's no such thing as a diet cream puff . ’
33 Bernal was of course deeply committed to the Communist ideal and was never , so far as I know , privy to any of the atomic bomb developments during or after the war .
34 As far as I know there was never any shortage of money — our fathers sent sums regularly back from England — and I , being the youngest , was the centre of attention .
35 ‘ Not so far as I know . ’
36 However there is little activity in this line in Aberdeen particularly and Scotland as a whole as far as I know .
37 ‘ Not so far as I know .
38 Far as I know , he 's still there .
39 As far as I know , he has no connection with either Nottingham or medicine . ’
40 Hilary Robarts said : ‘ Nothing has been written or said , as far as I know , about it being pubic hair . ’
41 As far as I know , no breeding or sexing data are available .
42 So far as I know , there is nothing anywhere which is like the sound Welsh people make when they talk about L loyd who lives at L landudno !
43 Two are still known to me and are not HIV & plus , as far as I know .
44 I am sure there were also ‘ pretty severe philippics ’ against some other authors and critics , especially the Snowbound school — though I have never ( as far as I know ) had any reason for personal animus against them .
45 As far as I know , we were originally bound for Greece/Crete but it was too late for that .
46 As far as I know , nobody noticed and it remained Labour Party policy for years afterwards .
47 One miracle to praise God for is that everything that has been sent out to me I have received ( at least as far as I know ) .
48 ‘ The princes are no longer seen in the gardens , child — none as far as I know has had sight or sound of them for several weeks .
49 ‘ As far as I know , my son 's personal acquaintance with Wyvis Hall was confined to my uncle 's lifetime when 1 , my wife and son and daughter frequently stayed with him .
50 ‘ Not as far as I know .
51 Dealt with me himself , and never told anybody so far as I know . ’
52 As far as I know , there are only two still in existence : one , the U.505 , was captured by an American task force towards the end of the war , towed up the St Lawrence and through the Great Lakes to Chicago where a special cradle was built for it to cross the Lake Shore Drive and then set up in a little house of its own in the Museum of Science and Industry .
53 As far as I know , the drivers supply the cars themselves , and only their licences are checked .
54 No one , as far as I know , disbelieved me .
55 As far as I know , the first actual record of an objective mechanical test , which had results of practical consequence , occurs in Pepys ' diary for 4 June 1662 .
56 ‘ So far as I know , ’ Miss Honey went on , ‘ nobody else in the history of the world has been able to compel an object to move without touching it or blowing on it or using any outside help at all . ’
57 Then came the puzzle — how can Dunkin' Donuts sell very cheaply the ‘ holes ’ from their doughnuts when , as far as I know , doughnuts are made like rings with nothing in the middle ?
58 As far as I know they are not engaged . ’
59 After the end of the hearing yesterday , Det Insp Young , 33 , said : ‘ As far as I know they did not base the character on me .
60 But if by some extraordinary chance you should one day wander into a forest and catch a glimpse of a Minpin , then hold your breath and thank your lucky stars because up to now , so far as I know , no one excepting Little Billy has ever seen one .
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