Example sentences of "far as [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So far as futures dealing is concerned , the key exclusion is that for market counterparties , although investors in corporate finance transactions can also be excluded ( see page 33 below ) and trust beneficiaries are in any event not customers ( see page 34 below ) .
2 As far as instruments go , Robben seems to be the sole endorser of the Fender Esprit guitar …
3 In so far as leaks advertise unhappiness about a line of policy they undermine the principle of collective responsibility , as well as the confidentiality of proceedings .
4 As far as defenders go
5 A lovely record of this highly pictorial ( as far as aeroplanes go ) era .
6 In so far as institutions find it more profitable to invest abroad , UK companies may find it more difficult to float new share issues .
7 As far as fossils go , though , local taphonomic bias in favour of the preservation of either articulated scale-like armour , phosphatized skeletal fragments or soft parts leads to a sporadic and incomplete record .
8 In appearance everything had been altered since then , and — so far as looks went — much for the better , but nearly everything he cared about most was enshrined in these earliest recollections .
9 As far as chances went , Town were on top .
10 I argue that race may be a factor in the puzzle but only in so far as blacks feel their belonging to a specific race may affect their futures .
11 As far as rules go , he can say whatever comes into his head and it will be as correct as anything else .
12 The function of a library service is to provide so far as resources allow , all books , periodicals , etc. , other than the trivial , in which its readers claim legitimate interest .
13 AMES wishes to see the FDR-FMLN adopt a " Minimum Women 's Programme " as part of its published manifesto and believes that as far as conditions permit , it is necessary to work for change now .
14 In so far as women had played a prominent part in Romanian politics , the precedents were not happy .
15 In so far as women have these contacts rather than men — even if sometimes they are , as it were , on behalf of men — it is likely that they are in a position to mobilize support in a way that men are not .
16 Mr. Beazley submitted that the court 's decision in paragraphs 17 and 18 of the judgment , which is also reflected in the answer given to the question in the court 's ruling , is conclusive in his favour and determinative of the construction of article 5(3) ; and that in consequence articles 5(1) and 5(3) are to be construed as mutually exclusive , but as all-embracing so far as actions to establish any kind of liability of the defendants are concerned .
17 Put another way , in so far as companies have power , is not that power justifiable on the basis that those who exercise it can claim a moral right to do so ?
18 As far as omens go , when a man of the cloth has to sign on , things must be getting bad .
19 It is also how one must determine whether others have acted well or not , so far as externals go , though how far they have acted well in a proper inward sense , that is , how far they have been truly guided by the categorical imperative , rather than by the calculations of self interest , is hidden away in the depths of their being , hidden perhaps even from themselves .
20 In so far as tactics have evidently changed ( for instance in public order policing : McCabe et al . ,
21 This involves a medical solution in so far as GPs seek medical care in a hospital environment .
22 What she says and what she does are two different things as far as children go .
23 The blot on our copy book , as far as tips go , was Mickey Mouse .
24 The game was decided on 64 minutes … as far as penalties go you win some you lose some …
25 The game was decided on 64 minutes … as far as penalties go you win some you lose some …
26 He readily admitted , ‘ As far as audiences go , I think I 'm much more famous as Madonna 's husband and as somebody who hits photographers than as an actor . ’
27 The ones here are okay , as far as screws go .
28 The Tiebout hypothesis appears to mitigate this , in so far as individuals reveal their preferences by ‘ voting with their feet ’ .
29 Most often associated with the school of functional sociology , these ideas have as axiomatic a pluralist integrative approach to political development , in which the centre is synonymous with authority ; and in so far as societies fail to conform with the model of integrated consensual authority , they are not properly modern .
30 There might be bits of those bands in there , as far as influences go — music I 've heard — because all music I 've ever heard is obviously an influence .
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