Example sentences of "far as [pron] know " in BNC.

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1 As far as we know , the ancients intended their metalwork , both artistic and utilitarian , to be kept in a brightly polished metallic state , with the possible exception of special alloys such as Corinthian bronze .
2 ‘ She 's not getting paid one cent as far as we know .
3 Yet as far as we know , these pinpricks to the memory that she was queen of Scots did not seriously upset her ready assumption that her mother would do the job for her .
4 ‘ Not as far as we know .
5 ‘ He does have Paula with him as far as we know , ’ Monica reminded him .
6 With Paula Grey , so far as we know .
7 The first mention of Christmas Day , as far as we know , was in the Roman calendar for the year 354 .
8 As far as we know the microcomputer-based emergency response system devised by Belardo et al. ( 1983 ) , is the only GIS-like software to incorporate this algorithm .
9 As far as we know , they all used two or three microphones spaced some yards apart along the front of the orchestra , a technique favoured by American engineers to this day .
10 So far as we know he was never a merchant , and he never went on crusade , but had he been he would have experienced all the five ways in which travel fundamentally impinged on the folk of the twelfth century ; and if we consider the impact made by the wandering scholars and the growing universities , the flow of litigants and diplomats to and from the papal Curia , the countless pilgrims and pilgrimages , the crusades at their most popular , and the commercial revolution upon the world of the central Middle Ages — then a love of travel and a readiness to travel must be accounted one of the major catalysts of change .
11 ‘ As far as we know they 've no reason to expect us anywhere , ’ the Leader said , but no-one believed that .
12 ‘ No , you can talk quite freely — there 's no phone tapping these days as far as we know
13 It is interesting to note that there have , so far as we know , only been thirty-one phyla in all of pre-history ; nine have become totally extinct .
14 In addition to the writers and the ‘ business group ’ , many others will be beavering away in the background , preparing costumes and scenery ready for this ( as far as we know ) unique ecumenical presentation of the Gospel message .
15 He was known to be a political activist , but as far as we know had no record of violence .
16 In yet others an answer has never , as far as we know , previously been sought .
17 As far as we know , the first practical application was for the American piston-powered Shelduck target .
18 But nothing was done as far as we know .
19 ‘ But as far as we know , she is still mechanically fine and she has still got some running life which is why she will be touring the preserved railways . ’
20 So far as we know they had met only in 1079 , when Eadmer was one of the young monks to whom Anselm talked during his first visit to Canterbury .
21 A favourite plant in the frescoes is the papyrus , treated in various decorative ways : but the papyrus did not , as far as we know , grow in Crete in the Minoan period , so the frescoes do not factually depict the Cretan landscape .
22 The temple at Knossos was , so far as we know , the most ambitious building the Minoans attempted .
23 She was referred to in the temple archives at Knossos , although as far as we know her nearest sanctuary was the Cave of Eileithyia at Amnisos ( Figure 16 ) .
24 At the end of the last war he found himself some French creature and went to live with her , and so far as we know , he 's still in France . ’
25 Troops who fought for pay were little discussed in the sources ; but Henry I 's insurance policy in the treaty of 1101 — not invoked , as far as we know — cost £500 sterling a year .
26 So far as we know , Ptolemy spent his whole life in Alexandria , which is well north of the Earth 's equator , so that he could not see the stars of the far south .
27 True he was not , so far as we know , misogynist : there is evidence to the contrary .
28 He did not , so far as we know , see the necessity for structural change to remedy the oppression that women were under .
29 He was the first person , so far as we know , to record the fact that the tentacles of the common sundew are capable of movement .
30 Furthermore , if hood could belong to the set , there seems to be no reason why good should not also have belonged to it ; yet , as far as we know , it never did .
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