Example sentences of "already [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Competition organiser cheryl Ireland has already pencilled in June 29 as the date for this year 's Pro-Am .
2 Taylor has already pencilled in Gazza to play his first match for England in the World Cup qualifier against Norway next month .
3 By the time she was twenty , she had already travelled across Europe , visiting the brothels of London , Paris and Berlin .
4 On Sept. 8 in Abu Dhabi 26 BCCI executives were arrested including former chief operating officer Swaleh Naqvi , already indicted in New York on July 29 [ see p. 38355 ] .
5 In which case , if our relationship was already wrecked beyond repair , I could hold on to the phetam .
6 The governor says that 's been stopped , but staff are worried that the young offenders they 're having to deal with have come from other prisons already wrecked by riots .
7 In the light of this , the way forward in climatic geomorphology , already recognized in studies of fluvial catchments , becomes evident .
8 I 'd already posted off loads of stuff , but there was quite an accumulation from 6 months , including the tent and camping gear which was only used , in the event , at the Easter rally .
9 Before flying to the conclusion that certain things are ‘ against the rules ’ ( heaven save us , procedures are already erected into RULES ! ) let the neophyte consider that a man can not be in New York and Pekin at the same moment .
10 The sperm has already developed to maturity , with only 23 chromosomes ( one sex chromosome ) before its release .
11 This time it was Maldita , a grey mare who had slipped into the yard already broken as part of a job lot a few weeks ago .
12 Khartoum 's soldiers have already broken through Cdr Riek 's front line once in mid-March , moving south on Col Garang 's position .
13 It is presumed that they were then introduced at BMK but it is also recorded that hand loom weaving had already stopped at Burnside in 1881 when second hand power looms rom Crossleys of Halifax were introduced .
14 The potential social and economic costs of AIDS to countries already ravaged by poverty are enormous .
15 All high cost drugs are already rationed in hospitals through drug and therapeutics committees and clinical pharmacy services .
16 He started work at the Stationers ' Company School , London , in 1874 , and by the time he took up a post at Grantham Grammar School in 1884 he had already taught in Saffron Walden , Winchester , Newbury , and Cambridge .
17 The advent of Dutch William in 1688 may have brought a Protestant ruler , but it brought one already embroiled in war with Louis XIV , and ended a period in which the offshore island had played small part in the struggles of continental Europe .
18 Duncan had already checked for surveillance equipment .
19 I understand general manager Dieter Hoeness , who has videos of him of him playing , has already flown to Britain to see him play .
20 Two advance parties , including Lt Col Neame , have already flown to Nepal to organise the 500 sherpas and scores of yaks who will carry nine tons of supplies to the south face base camp .
21 However , while the Architecture-Neutral Format is unlikely to appear on the market this year , Goldstein says that the Foundation plans to hold a conference on the technology at the end of the year , to find out which companies are interested in bringing the stuff to market and how it can be best introduced to an industry audience already blinded by science .
22 However , whilst ANDF is unlikely to appear in the market this year , Goldstein says OSF plans a conference on the technology for the end of the year to find out which companies are interested in running the stuff to market and how it can be best introduced to an industry audience already blinded by science .
23 About a quarter of the area of Tibet , about 325,000 square kilometres of land , is already designated as nature reserve .
24 The income tax relief already given under MIRAS should be offset against PAYE deductions , income tax deducted from dividends etc in order to arrive at the net income tax already suffered .
25 So should the results of valuations , especially those already given for mortgage purposes .
26 The Cabinet were much less happy about this , as were Mountbatten 's own staff : however , General Slim , in command of 14th Army , showed more understanding , declaring ( 19 April ) : ‘ Help already given by BNA has gone long way towards expiation of political crimes . ’
27 In fact I can offer no better advice than that already given by Canon Stafford Wright .
28 The commodity classifications are similar to those already given in N.F.P.A. number 231 above .
29 A further problem is that in most cases the witnesses ’ recollections of the events may have been biased by descriptions already given in interviews with the police and discussions they may have had with others .
30 I had already explained to Maxine that discovering the reason for the phobia would not in itself be a cure , and that we would still have to work together to overcome it .
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