Example sentences of "already [vb past] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The picturesque result and subsequent offers to purchase , for substantially more than the couple had paid , were not lost on Jill 's father , chairman of a company which already specialised in timber frame building .
2 Clearly , given the large amount of data already impounded in share prices , and that few well-informed investors will be induced to trade index futures who did not already trade shares , the increase in information reflected in share prices is likely to be small .
3 In his work the human race does not originate ‘ on stage ’ in Beleriand , but drifts into it , already sundered in speech , from the East .
4 In other words , he wished to give his own canvases a dimension that in a sense already existed in sculpture , or at least in free-standing sculpture .
5 He heard the Direktor calling them back to work again , and he crossed to Ingrid who was nervously studying her score , her lips moving as yet again she went over the part she already knew in minute detail .
6 Wittek suggests that Bayezid I was aware of the criticisms of himself on religious grounds and that he sought investiture as Sultan of Rum , a title he already possessed in fact , from the Abbasid caliph in Cairo because he felt the need for a religious sanction for his regime .
7 Spain was a large producer of wine and olive oil , which the EC already had in abundance .
8 Their work was made easier by the procedures Cornwall SSD already had in place .
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