Example sentences of "already [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The finance director , John Precious , said he had already pencilled in an unchanged 1993 tax rate of 37 per cent , pegged by existing US proposals on the tax of foreign corporations .
2 The teacher asks if any of those present have already travelled in the West and some of the class claim knowledge of the dangers and difficulties of the journey .
3 The Christmas tree was already ensconced in the drawing-room , so they had arranged to have tea in the dining-room , where a lovely fire was blazing .
4 ‘ I was courteously received at the Guildhall , but found , to my chagrin , my lord of Gloucester already ensconced in the chair of state .
5 In this article Riffaterre argues from a position already developed in a series of papers written in the late fifties and early sixties .
6 It can be argued that a fairly radical Type II ‘ internal market ’ has already developed in the care of the elderly , where much provision is private but much of the funding is public .
7 The Indian presence in far flung outposts of the Empire , for example , from Malaysia to East Africa , can only be understood in this context , and it is important to note that a tradition of emigration from Jamaica had already developed in the nineteenth century , with 2,000 Jamaicans migrating to build railways in Panama , followed by well over 80,000 who went to work on the first attempt at constructing the Panama Canal in the 1880s .
8 Compact should build on work already developed in the Technical and Vocational Education Initiative ( TVEI ) .
9 It can be argued that a fairly radical Type II ‘ Internal Market ’ has already developed in the care of the elderly , where much provision is private but much of the funding is public .
10 He was already beneficed in the diocese of York , for in 1264 he had obtained a papal dispensation to hold the rectory of Welwick in Holderness with two other benefices with cure of souls .
11 Where an action is transferred from the High Court to the county court , Ord 17 , r 11 ( automatic directions ) apply to those actions not within Ord 17 , r 11(1) subject to any directions already given in the High Court ( No 3 Amendment Rule 1991 ) .
12 It will link up with other services already given in the local community and in Aintree Hospitals , such as Jospice , the Continuing Care Sisters and the Pain Relief Clinic .
13 But what was more extraordinary was the knowledge that as Dona Sara Hussey Valdez de Santarém , she would experience with her husband that most intimate of acts , whose mysteries Maria Candida , her mother 's Portuguese maid , had already explained in the most amazing and shocking detail .
14 Similarly , the starting point of sentence ( 3 ) , that is an assumption already explained in the previous sentence .
15 3 ) The question was asked do we really need such a statement when our ‘ creed ’ is already explained in the earlier leaflet ‘ The Task of Christian Aid ’ .
16 Those already enrolled in the NetWare Update Programme or who bought their NetWare under the Premium promotion will automatically get NetWare 4.0 when it ships March 31 .
17 The Examination Enrolment and Membership Eligibility Panel interviewed and assessed the work of 24 office-based students either already enrolled in the Examination in Architecture or seeking entry thereto .
18 It is one I often serve before a simple meat dish , beef , lamb or veal , which is probably already cooking in the oven before the vegetable dish goes in .
19 Such arguments suggest that the perception of the sodomite was already implicated in the constructions of gender and sexual difference , and , through them , of identity , subjectivity , and social ordering more generally , and the anxieties attendant upon all these things .
20 For their parts , the RHA and the DHSS , since they were already implicated in the Banstead-Horton plan , were unlikely to jeopardize it by opposing the local exemption requested .
21 I thought she was going to hit me : her hand which was already formed in a fist , went up — but she used it only to swipe at a cat scuttling from under a bush towards the door .
22 This is the creation of high quality artwork using material that may already exist in a number of forms and modifying it to suit the current need .
23 The Act of 1988 provided for the establishment of a new register in which thereafter all British fishing vessels were to be registered , including those which were already registered in the old general register maintained under the Act of 1894 .
24 The Mass and Vespers nicely illustrate the stylistic dichotomy of church music which was to last for a very long time and which Monteverdi had already distinguished in the foreword to his Fifth Book of madrigals as prima and seconda pratica .
25 As rhetoric enfolds a group or initiative , so fibres of meaning interpenetrate every strand of sound , ensuring that the experience reaches us already placed in a general scheme of significance , validated and rendered ripe for the ICA We are constantly made conscious .
26 One huge hand was already placed in the small of her back , pinning her helplessly to the desk : then she felt him wind a thick hank of her blonde hair around his other fist , and jerk her head back .
27 In any technical comment you make , please remember that a former editor made a passionate technical plea for the retention of 405 lines but failed to realise the commercial advantages which had then already accrued in the 625 line camp .
28 A fundamental dis-continuity between human thinking and non-human thinking is already presupposed in the very arguments which were used to describe the imagined evolution from the one to the other .
29 She was n't usually given to fanciful musings , but in her tiredness the surroundings , already blurring in the faint wisps of mist from the drop in temperature , looked like a perfect setting for Macbeth 's meeting with the witches .
30 The proposal was condemned on Nov. 2 by Soviet Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Victor Karpov , who said that the USA was attempting to introduce " activities already forbidden in the ABM treaty " .
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