Example sentences of "already [verb] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Shevers , who had already dropped the name Hawk 72 for the new aircraft , opting instead for ‘ Liberty ’ , says he is concerned that Textron , which already produces engines for light aircraft , may decide that resumption of single-engined aircraft production does not represent such an increase in its product liability exposure as it did for Cessna 's former parent General Dynamics .
2 The World Bank and Japan have already stopped aid for the US$1,000 million project , a network of about 30 dams being built across three states , against a background of mounting concern about its human and environmental consequences [ see EDs 69 , 70 ] .
3 Then L for price in 1986 relative to 1981 is and we have already calculated L for 1981 relative to 1976 to be 170.5 .
4 While the people of one region might still be using stone tools , those in another were already using bronze for all their tools and weapons and sometimes iron as well .
5 ‘ We are already producing sucralose for stock and have customers lined up who will be using it very , very quickly .
6 Mrs Oliver also said that since receiving her machine as a birthday present last year , she has become totally ‘ hooked ’ , is already producing garments for the family and ca n't think why she did n't buy a machine years ago .
7 Three of the principal shareholders were already producing films for release at the time of Dustin 's signing , and unfortunately proving that artistic liberty was not synonymous with artistic quality .
8 The fact that the promisor has already received consideration for his promise before he makes it , so far from enabling him to break his promise seems to us to form an additional reason for making him keep it .
9 Mr Gibson who has already received permission for a tea shop can now submit separate applications for the visitors ' centre and the conversion of a former smithy into a holiday cottage the two elements supported by councillors .
10 The famous hospital gets all royalties from the books , and has already received £287,000 for the film .
11 As was the heavy rumour that The Smiths had already received advances for their next five albums .
12 In Perth in 1991 there were 162 teams taking part but Bryan O'Neill , the director of the Irish operation , has already received entries for 144 teams — and there are still 12 months to go .
13 Sleighthome , Bramley , Bracken , Clarke , Crompton and Ravenscroft had already earned selection for the Student World Cup team in Italy , and to top it all the first three also enjoyed a trip to Namibia and Zimbabwe with the senior North Divisional team !
14 In the shorter term , the LGC already has plans for 1992 , its 150th anniversary year .
15 Italy , of course , plays a major role and already has plans for economic aid to the States across the sea , such as electrical power development .
16 Yale views the purchase as a long-term commitment and already has plans for new subjects to take the series into the twenty-first century .
17 It already has versions for IBM 's MVS and DEC 's VAX/VMS .
18 The firm has already organised APTs for doctors , lawyers , stockbrokers , and accountants .
19 The Soldiers for Justice group had already claimed responsibility for the murder in March 1989 of the head of the Moslem community in Belgium [ see p. 36538 ] , and for the 1988 kidnapping in Lebanon of a Belgian doctor , Jan Cools , who was freed on June 15 , 1989 [ see pp. 36365 ; 37164 ] .
20 It 's only just launched the Sigma but is already pressing Japan for more volume , and pretty soon will have the new-generation Shoguns .
21 When Sandra was nearly fourteen her mother had suddenly grabbed hold of her by the knobbly clothes-prop in the sloping garden and delivered up the one piece of advice that had been fermenting in that already greying head for decades .
22 Buckingham Palace declined to comment but the honour is likely to be shared between Hardy Amies , who has already designed outfits for her , and Victor Edelstein , who specialises in glamorous evening wear .
23 Nuns of her order already provide food for the homeless .
24 In the statement Edwards , who has already attracted criticism for placing bolts on Cornish granite , appears to set out his own manifest , which runs entirely counter to the BMC 's adopted policy on bolts and access and forecasts that Land 's End will eventually be seen as having set an example to the nation .
25 Since NICRA had already targeted Derry for a march , there was ready agreement and a delegation from NICRA travelled to Derry to discuss arrangements with the DHAC .
26 Such terminal sterilization , common among all social classes , is likely to depress high parity births still further , although its relative irreversibility is already causing problems for remarrying couples .
27 Many of the defendants were already serving sentences for other crimes .
28 Hickey and McCoy have already written episodes for hit series including Tiny Toons , Duck Tales , Rude Dog and the Dweebs , Widget and Beetlejuice .
29 Direct Line Insurance is a subsidiary of the Royal Bank of Scotland plc and has already saved money for hundreds of thousands of policy holders who buy direct .
30 British Rail has already accepted responsibility for the matter , as the Secretary of State has pointed out .
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