Example sentences of "done [prep] the past " in BNC.

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1 Nothing guarantees that the Americans and Russians will go on supplying it as they have done for the past couple of years .
2 But concentrating all attention on the pus cells , as researchers have done for the past 20 years , is perhaps to miss the most important elements of process .
3 People in late twentieth-century Britain do not necessarily do less for their relatives than they have done for the past two centuries , nor do they necessarily have a weaker sense of obligation , but they do have to work out the nature of their relationships and the patterns of support associated with them , in circumstances which are very different from the past .
4 They tend , as they have done for the past fifty years , to respond to the events of the day without projecting forward the effects of their policies for the necessary 18–24 months .
5 I 'd also like to add a great thanks to the retiring executive committee for all the hard work that they 've done during the past year .
6 But just as they have done throughout the past three years , we find the Opposition spokesmen contradicting each other .
7 People can see what I have done in the past 16 months and can form their own opinions about whether I have made the right judgments for the future of this country . ’
8 Looking at the world , and in particular Europe , today it is hard to see how anything the CIA has done in the past 40 years has significantly affected the map of freedom .
9 They were new shoes but already scuffed and dusty from the amount of walking he had done in the past few days .
10 'E said ter me , ‘ What 'ave yer done in the past year ? ’ an' I said , ‘ Nuffink . ’
11 Much has been done in the past few months , but more needs to be done .
12 Is my right hon. Friend aware that the measures introduced yesterday by our right hon. Friend the Chancellor , the harmonious industrial relations restored by the Government and the substantial investment from home and overseas mean that manufacturing in the heart of England is deeply grateful for all that the Government have done in the past 13 years ?
13 I wonder how many of them will fill their pages tomorrow or the day after in the way they have done in the past few weeks .
14 While we have had our differences with the Government about the interim advisory committee and the way in which it has worked , it might be worthwhile at this stage , in what might be our final debate on the work of the interim advisory committee , to thank its members for the work that they have done in the past few years .
15 Various speakers congratulated us on the marvellous work we had done over the past few months .
16 It is clear that a great deal of ley hunting done over the past 50 years has been hunting chance alignments .
17 For instance , if people have n't exhibited management ability in what they think are the worthwhile things they 've done over the past 30 years or so , the chance of them ever being good managers is remote .
18 ‘ What we have done over the past two years is to improve on our ability to retain the ball in contact , to drive very successfully as units ( as the All Blacks found to their cost in Lille ) and to deep those drives going .
19 And Faye planned to show off the eight paintings she had done over the past four months , six of which featured Belinda and all of which were now professionally framed .
20 What we shall do , as we have done over the past three years , is to ensure that poorer pensioners — those who have not benefited from the result of our general policies towards pensioners which have increased pensioners ' real living standards by over 34 per cent .
21 We we saw him come on against Birmingham about a month or so ago and save that penalty and it 's ironic that that 's how Nigel Spinks started at at Villa was n't it when he came on for Jimmy Rimmer and if Bosnich does the same job as what Nigel 's done over the past ten years then no one 's going to argue .
22 Erm , on entertainment , we 're spending a lot of money on organic growth and have done over the past two or three years and er , it 's very well spent but again , we 're growing our businesses , erm , er , rather than acquiring them .
23 He had agreed to the live radio interview readily enough , probably expecting it to run the course of a dozen or so others he 'd done over the past couple of years .
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