Example sentences of "taken towards the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Three days later Vaclav Klaus , Czech Prime Minister and leader of the Civic Democratic Party ( ODS ) , and Vladimir Meciar , Slovak Prime Minister and leader of the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia ( HZDS ) , reached a political agreement on the steps to be taken towards the abolition of the federation .
2 Three days later Vaclav Klaus , Czech Prime Minister and leader of the Civic Democratic Party ( ODS ) , and Vladimir Meciar , Slovak Prime Minister and leader of the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia ( HZDS ) , reached a political agreement on the steps to be taken towards the abolition of the federation .
3 A further step was taken towards the normalization of Vietnamese-US relations on Oct. 17 when Vietnam 's Foreign Minister , Nguyen Co Thach , visited Washington for talks with Gen. John Vessey , President Bush 's special envoy dealing with US servicemen missing in action ( MIA ) in Indo-China .
4 Then in run number six , taken towards the end of January , the ratio hit 3.5 ; a very dramatic outburst of neutrons had been detected from the cell .
5 To address the fragmentation issue , general SVQs will also feature an additional assessment , probably taken towards the end of the course , which will require the candidate to demonstrate that he/she can pull together the work across all of the modules which make up the general SVQ .
6 The shots were award winners ; taken towards the end of his 30 years as a photograher for the Daily Mirror .
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