Example sentences of "to make [art] final [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , give the subordinate authority to go away to make the final choice and implement any action .
2 Let the time taken to make the final dash be T seconds .
3 Their inner mood must remain one of complete alertness to be ready to make the final dash to safety .
4 It is a cruel irony that the man who has done most to reform the party and its policies , taking it to within a whisker of power , should be blamed for its failure to make the final leap to power .
5 As for young Pat McGibbon , he is unlikely to make the final panel on the day after his 20th birthday .
6 My fiancé , Derrick , had to make the final decision about the colour etc …
7 Once again your job is not to make the final decision .
8 What needs to be discussed and understood is who is in the best position to make the final decision .
9 For example , there are scenes of people being interviewed for jobs of different kinds , where the viewer is left to make the final decision as to who should get the job .
10 But again , it is up to each manager to make the final decision , basing it on the best available advice .
11 Surely that threatens the environment , and surely the Government 's proposals for removing the power of the House to make the final decision on railways means that the Government are not to be trusted with the environment .
12 He 's also the Education Secretary and says he ca n't comment because he 'll have to make the final decision .
13 The original motion was proposed by Frank Jacques as an Individual Member but the various amendments from the floor were sufficiently substantial to make the final version a fair representation of majority opinion among the voluntary members .
14 Wallace got another in the second half to make the final score 2–0 , bring the car in future boys .
15 Wittingham made it two nil on the hour and then followed two further goals from Wittingham with Faraday replying for Bournemouth , but Wittingham struck again his fourth to make the final score ; Portsmouth five , Bournemouth one .
16 The ties between parents and child are strong ; parents may be forced into , rather than willingly accepting of , separation from their children ; when separated , they may not want to make the final break via adoption .
17 No wonder Parkin was havering , unable to assemble the courage to make the final break with Nicola .
18 This can be a good opportunity also to make the final consumer curious . ’
19 It is impossible to make a final assessment of the Woodvilles ' contribution to the crisis .
20 It is impossible to make a final assessment of the Woodvilles ' contribution to the crisis .
21 ‘ With two £1,000 commissions to be won and a further £1,000 to purchase additional works , it was extremely difficult to make a final choice , ’ explained Grampian Hospital Arts Administrator Graham Smart .
22 Operation leader , Falklands veteran Lieutenant Colonel Philip Neame , 46 , is determined to make a final push before Christmas — but all depends on the weather .
23 Now that the ECJ has issued its opinion , it is up to the Conseil d'Etat to make a final ruling regarding Mr Ramrath .
24 Here the last of the French had regrouped to make a final stand before the inevitable retreat .
25 However , it is very difficult to make a final decision on one hearing .
26 That , and your reluctance to make a final decision , may cause a few sleepless nights .
27 They agreed that if there was no consensus on any given matter among the members of the SNC , then the Prince would be entitled to make a final decision .
28 That I stress is a preliminary view they could not and would not wish to make a final decision until they have all the information .
29 Hearings on the proposals were held in February , and the board is expected to make a final decision in June .
30 The consultations will end on 4 October , with the government unlikely to make a final decision before the end of the year , depending on the volume of comments received .
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