Example sentences of "made available [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That was Martin Luther 's great discovery , that salvation comes from God 's grace and it is made available through faith .
2 However , we are concerned that the comments of the Heritage Secretary , Peter Brooke , during the bill 's second reading suggested that the allocation to the commission would be deducted from the share to be made available to sport in the home countries .
3 Will he consider urgently the possibility of the married quarters at the bases being made available to Army personnel who are being made redundant ?
4 It is normal procedure for this sort of evidence to be made available to defence lawyers , although in a civil case it is not a legal requirement .
5 Identify placements which can be made available to school children in order that they can gain a firsthand view of the health service .
6 The results of the research will be made available to Enterprise Agencies in the hope that they will be of practical use .
7 Computer-aided design facilities should be made available to Garden Departments , including the Horticultural Training programme .
8 At a meeting on 8 October 1992 hosted by this department and attended by representatives of District Council Planning Departments and the Scottish Wildlife Trust , the Trust indicated that following a re-survey of sites in Lothian , an updated list of Wildlife Sites with relevant maps will be made available to district planning authorities in Lothian early next year .
9 It was a privilege which the state guarded jealously and which was made available to business enterprises whose purposes aimed to benefit the public in general as well as enrich the corporators .
10 Money is made available to training and enterprise councils in return for their performance in pursuance of a contract that they make with me .
11 Practical guidelines are likely to be made available to health managers , but there will be no helpline number .
12 Over the next five years various publications advocating such courses were made available to industry .
13 These are just some of the facilities and expertise that have been made available to industry .
14 Copies of the hospital 's disinfectant and other infection control policies must be made available to mortuary technicians and the necessary education and training given in their use .
15 It required local authorities to establish maternity and child welfare committees , to include at least two women , and specified services for which grants would now be made available including home helps , food for expectant and nursing mothers and children under five , creches and day nurseries .
16 Commissions in an expanding army might be made available without purchase , either to support the interest of Administration politicians or to stimulate recruiting and sometimes both , but rarely could they serve an opposition politician directly , although the fact that military commissions were not immediately under the control of the Government manager for Scotland permitted some indirect approaches by opposition members and their friends .
17 In the four Scottish cities , £3.5 million in extra capital allocations have been made available for homelessness and a further £4 million extra capital for additional homelessness projects was made available last November .
18 If now the exchange rate policy instrument were to be made available for member countries to use more frequently and liberally , the anti-inflation properties of the EMS would be undermined and the gains achieved by member countries in the control of inflation would be dissipated .
19 CA-Unicenter will be made available for Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcstations , IBM Corp RS/6000s and AS/400s , and Novell Inc NetWare by the end of the year .
20 CA-Unicenter will be made available for Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcstations , IBM RS/6000s and AS/400s , and Novell Inc NetWare by the end of the year .
21 First , the 1981 Census of Population was not made available for grid squares and , second , our estimates were produced using a 1984 satellite image and 1981 Census ward data .
22 There is a possibility of additional funding being made available for capital purchase .
23 ‘ Management ’ ( which is relatively cheap ) is seen as the key to change : so education support grants are made available for management training , management consultants proliferate , and the Secretary of State sets up a high-powered task force to investigate the management training and development needs of heads and senior staff .
24 I am always fascinated to hear Liberals going on about resources being made available for defence , when they are committed to cutting them by 50 per cent .
25 Of this amount , SDR24,400,000 ( $32,200,000 ) would be available under the first annual arrangement , of which the first semiannual loan of SDR9,150,000 ( $12,100,000 ) was made available for disbursement on June 15 , 1990 .
26 While much media attention was given to the recent tax incentives ( made available for workplace nurseries only — introduced in the last budget ( April 1990 ) , it was felt that this means nothing for women in West Belfast or the North of Ireland in general .
27 In litigation and arbitration , the amount of the costs is subject to the control of the court 's " taxation " procedures , which are made available to arbitrations by s18(2) of the Arbitration Act 1950 , but can not be made available for expert determinations by any means , including a provision to that effect in the expert clause .
28 Only if I am satisfied that the economic , safety and technical criteria relating to groundwater can be met will public funding be made available for construction of the barrage .
29 The main spending areas within the £13.4 billion budget for 1993-94 include £3.7 billion for health ; education will rise to £1.2 billion given the extra responsibility of funding all higher and further education in Scotland while £141 million will be made available for agriculture as a result of reforms to the Common Agricultural Policy .
30 Copies of these conventions may be made available for inspection at our officer or those of the carrier concerned .
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