Example sentences of "people living in the " in BNC.

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1 What I mean by tradition involves all those habitual actions , habits and customs , from the most significant religious rite to our conventional way of greeting a stranger , which represent the blood kinship of ‘ the same people living in the same place ’ .
2 The advice is the same as that given for westward flights — though , of course , whether people living in the new time zone are awake or sleeping will differ .
3 Some of the Maritime school go further and ask the question , ‘ Who are We ? ; and answer it by pointing out that We are not just the people living in the United Kingdom today .
4 Today over 90% of the 900,000 people living in the Kaliningrad region are Russian .
5 Many people living in the rural areas of the South of Italy , the Highlands of Scotland , the West of Ireland or the interior of Portugal have lower incomes , fewer job opportunities and poorer social services than those in cities and in well-endowed agricultural areas .
6 Whether or not the Camelford aluminium case is ever proved to have led to long-term damage to the health of people living in the area , it was certainly a major pollution incident .
7 It is not possible to establish the exact population of Brackley in the middle of the eighteenth century ; however , according to the census of 1801 , there were 1,495 people living in the town [ Baker , 1 , 574 ] .
8 At one stage the Hinkley Point site was said to be officially designated as ‘ remote ’ , because the number of people living in the immediate vicinity was small — about 1,500 .
9 The Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment ( COMARE ) , which looked at both the Sellafield and Dounreay findings on behalf of the government , concluded that they supported the hypothesis that ‘ some feature of the nuclear plants … leads to an increased risk of leukaemia in young people living in the vicinity ’ .
10 As far as the sufferers themselves were concerned , data showed not only the number of moderately to severely demented elderly people living in the community , but also the fact that they suffered , in addition to cognitive impairment , a variety of behavioural , or other mental or physical impairments .
11 For example in Newcastle , Foster et al , 1976 , had shown , from an assessment of a sample of elderly people living in the community , that even though dementia sufferers received more social and health services support than other groups , nonetheless they still had greater unmet needs than other groups of dependent elderly people .
12 However , we have made allowance for housing costs and for the personal expenditures of people living in the community at the end of the analysis .
13 Aberdeen ( 200 000 people ) has attracted over a quarter of all the people living in the Highlands .
14 A. There are many more people living in the countryside and many more farmers per km² ; in Northern Ireland than in other parts of Britain .
15 In addition , a whole range of aspects of consumption , housing , education , shopping , transport , training , and so on , remain insufficient for many people living in the cities .
16 For example , the proportion of elderly People living in the cities seems destined to rise , and many of these will be single-person households .
17 The sense of division which exists is a comparatively new phenomenon , at least to judge from the life histories and recollections of people living in the area .
18 No wonder that poor people living in the traditional way in India and many African countries have a considerably shorter life expectancy than we — with our better living conditions and easily available medicine .
19 Republicans also scored exceptionally well among people living in the urban social housing projects .
20 Hornsey and Wood Green 's Labour MP Barbara Roache said from the scene : ‘ There are many people living in the flats above the shopping centre .
21 It will create a number of jobs for people living in the area .
22 People living in the new blocks or sharing overcrowded flats in old buildings throughout the Soviet Union would not find it easy to defy the conformity demanded by the authorities .
23 Yet its adoption as the language of primary education , and the increased mobility of people living in the country , means that the use of Swahili will spread .
24 Their names would not appear in the lists of people living in the shattered apartment blocks .
25 So , art history only begins after the death of the work , but as long as the work lives , or at least in the first fifty years of its life , it communicates with people living in the same period who have accepted it or rejected it and who have talked about it .
26 Less directly but equally importantly , people living in the vicinity of a large plant would not take kindly to the idea that it was not under the control of human beings who are on the spot and are assumed to know exactly what is happening .
27 They were used to store the very large volume of offerings and tribute that came in from the townspeople and from the people living in the surrounding countryside ; administrating the inflow and redistribution of this temple tribute was a major function of the Minoan temple .
28 It is also the custom of certain groups who have migrated to Britain to pool resources between kin , either between people living in the same household or sometimes across households ( Anwar , 1985 , pp. 52–5 ; Brah , 1986 ) .
29 Even so , people living in the highly technological societies do not feel fully content , and imagine that they might be better off with a return to primitive technical conditions .
30 To build it they diverted the course of three rivers and uprooted many thousand poor people living in the Fleet Valley .
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