Example sentences of "only [adv] far [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The observer 's readiness to modify is admirably honest ( Mr Palomar is a nice man ) and ultimately exhausting : the process of adjustment can go only so far before atrophy threatens .
2 They make good the severe limitations on the hesitation system , which can take us only so far when we are faced with a problem of word retrieval .
3 And yet , as may be seen from the cardinal importance he attaches to a Herodotean term like the peri - plus , Pound can be invoked by poets for whom the natural subjectmatter is topographical rather than historical , or at any rate historical only so far as history is checked against , and embodied in , and qualified by , topography .
4 Our knowledge is bounded by our ideas , and extends only so far as they are ideas of real essences .
5 It falls foul of one of the cardinal principles of the law of trusts : the principle of benefit , which states that a person can be validly appointed a trustee only so far as he has received benefits intended by the settlor under the settlor 's will .
6 Paschal 's grant of 1103 certainly extended the primacy to Anselm 's successors , but only so far as it had been ‘ enjoyed by Anselm 's predecessors ’ .
7 The Evangelical party will perhaps continue to exalt their hero as partially as parties always do — but the members of it will act thus only so far as they are possessed by party spirit , rather than by the pure spirit of the doctrines which they hold in common with their so-called Catholic opponents , whom adversaries style popish .
8 But only so far as this : that the Pioneers did not in fact succeed in creating the Manufacturing Society as a Co-operative .
9 Furthermore s. 2(4) European Communities Act 1972 provides that any Act of the Westminster Parliament shall be presumed not to conflict with EEC legislation , and will be given effect only so far as it does not conflict with the EEC legislation .
10 We should proceed beyond the immediate results of experience only so far as legitimate inductions will take us .
11 Sometimes the Constitution limits the executive or subordinate local bodies ; sometimes it limits the legislature also , but only so far as amendment of the Constitution itself is concerned ; and sometimes it imposes restrictions upon the legislature which go far beyond this point and forbid it to make laws upon certain subjects or in a certain way or with certain effects .
12 The best advice is : aim at concentrating all your intelligence on the specific question , and bring in your knowledge only so far as it is relevant .
13 An organisation will be effective only so far as it helps individual members to achieve their own personal objectives , and a large part of the task of management is therefore concerned with this problem .
14 There are increasing demands that the central institutions of the EEC should be reduced to a minimal role , that Member States should be allowed to integrate only so far as they wish , and that it should be possible for a country to remain within a European free-trade zone , but outside a politically united federation — as Norway , Iceland and the other Efta states have done since the establishment of the EEA .
15 The jury 's verdict is " final " only so far as punishment by the criminal court is concerned .
16 Suppose it is clear that convention does not dictate an answer either way in McLoughlin : convention requires that precedents be followed , but only so far as a new case is like the precedents in relevant facts , and no past case has decided whether damages must be awarded for emotional injury away from the accident 's scene .
17 Nothing in soft conventionalism guarantees , or even promotes , the ideal of protected expectations , that past decisions will be relied on to justify collective force only so far as their authority and their terms are made uncontroversial by widely accepted conventions .
18 Then he strode away — but only as far as the corner of the hearing room , temporarily out of range of the television cameras .
19 Only as far as they know she had n't seen a doctor . ’
20 They got only as far as the gate of Cell Block 6B .
21 Detective Inspector Anderson , who was in charge of the case , rushed his men to the house only to find the bird had flown , luckily for him only as far as Caversham .
22 The French government acceded to her request that she be buried at Malmaison , but her son was permitted to accompany the funeral only as far as the frontier between France and Switzerland .
23 As he told the story , probably with some exaggeration , Evelyn is supposed quite often to have gone out , perhaps only as far as his aunt 's house nearby to borrow some sugar , and to have failed to return .
24 ‘ No , sir , only as far as the actual competition , which they organize .
25 From the kick-off , Bordon forced a corner which was cleared only as far as Duffin who volleyed in from 15 yards .
26 In 1905 the Lytham Company , whose blue cars operated into Blackpool only as far as South Shore Station , threatened legal action unless Blackpool Corporation allowed them to operate further into town .
27 Whilst most modern witch covens can be traced back only as far as the revival stimulated by Gerald Gardner and the repeal of the Witchcraft Acts in the 1950s , there still exist traditional covens which date back much further .
28 Now , seeing as my own computer literacy extends only as far as Super Mario Bros , I 'm left feeling a little bewildered by it all .
29 The direct influence of the LLP extended only as far as the metropolitan boundary at Bethnal Green ; the West Ham Labour Party was autonomous .
30 Unfortunately these conditions also much reduced their rate of march and they got only as far as Polmood , for they were now in the high uplands of the infant Tweed and the going difficult at the best of times .
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