Example sentences of "only [art] [adj] feet " in BNC.

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1 It responded slowly , now only a hundred feet below the Ilyushin .
2 The pilots in the airliner above were unaware of the drama being enacted only a hundred feet below them .
3 I knew only that they happened there in the darkness and only a few feet from the pavements .
4 ‘ We encountered a baby common dolphin trapped only a few feet from the surface , its beak and tall flipper hopelessly wrapped in layer upon layer of nylon mesh .
5 On the other hand , among the general clutter , only a few feet off , I could see the upturned keel of an old clinker-built rowing boat .
6 The cart was only a few feet away but he shrugged his shoulders and headed towards it .
7 In the twilight the water , gushing and frothing , looked a long way down but the sound it made felt only a few feet below .
8 Only a few feet from the side of the ship a sucking swirl dimpled the water ominously .
9 In no time at all we were standing on a huge patch of snow at the summit of a mountain only a few feet short of a Munro .
10 Today the surface of the peat fens lies only a few feet above or below sea-level .
11 For the programme pick-up , Basil Hilton and Tony Geluch were using a single condenser microphone suspended centre stage and only a few feet above the conductor 's podium .
12 The wind was easterly so they would be returning over our heads onto the main runway , and as the aircraft started to come back they seemed to be only a few feet above us , touching down after they crossed the far hedge .
13 Ground-nests are so well concealed that predators can easily overlook them even when they are only a few feet away .
14 Whether you are perceiving the planet from only a few feet up or from around the lofty peaks of mountains and hillsides , excellent sight ( or sonar ) is almost a prerequisite : there are hosts of obstacles to circumnavigate and far distances to discern if you travel by air !
15 The main problem in Preston today is the traffic , especially along the Main Street , and the church 's foundations must be suffering , as the tower is only a few feet from a sharp bend in the street .
16 In fact they have to be trained — starting with distances of only a few feet from , and within sight of , the loft .
17 AS the Prince and Princess of Wales sat only a few feet apart in Seoul 's Presidential palace yesterday they could have been mistaken for strangers uncomfortably thrown together .
18 In some places the peat was only a few feet deep whereas in others it went down several yards .
19 In deep water the travelling wave may be only a few feet high : but on those rare occasions when such waves reach shallow water , or coastlines , they can rear up and explode with fearful consequences .
20 She was only a few feet away from the buffer when a rat darted in front of her , and although she jerked her head back sharply its wet tail brushed against her cheek as it disappeared into a gap between the two lengths of corroded track .
21 He sat only a few feet from the screen , perched on the edge of the bed , a study in confusion and misery .
22 A cupboard in the cell was moved aside to reveal the rope and the trap only a few feet away beyond an open door .
23 Space and depth are easily confused ; an animal 20 yards down may appear to be only a few feet away , and in following it down to get a closer look , a diver may suddenly find himself well past prescribed diving depths .
24 Unfortunately , when Beth was only a few feet away , Matthew raised his head and his eyes met hers .
25 It was a gloomy room , with one small window that let in hardly any light , as it faced another building only a few feet away .
26 With a screech , the car began to slow as the brakes were applied , and Richmann could clearly see the startled faces of the occupants as it slewed to a halt only a few feet ahead .
27 To Joseph 's delight the Resident Superior led his entourage to the very front of the audience chamber and the American boy found himself standing only a few feet away from the throne where the Emperor Khai Dinh , a slender , almost feminine figure , sat swathed in a golden robe of richly embroidered silk .
28 London , meditated Dexter — so many people crammed together , yet knowing so little about the others standing only a few feet away .
29 Once it had been on the top deck of a multistorey car park in town , with shoppers passing only a few feet away on the other side of a layer of tinted glass , and she 'd felt like a tight-fitting skin over a multiple explosion that was sounding off again and again and again .
30 He felt like some programmed thing with a piece of its instructions missing , battering itself repeatedly against the same piece of wall while a door stood open only a few feet away .
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