Example sentences of "did not feel so " in BNC.

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1 This time I did not feel so angry , but I shook my head .
2 I did not feel so optimistic .
3 He did not feel so hostile to them as he did to the ravens , and merely ignored them , overflying them if they came too close but not behaving more aggressively than that .
4 It was good to be angry ; when he was angry he did not feel so afraid .
5 Angel was glad to be at home , and yet he did not feel so much part of the family as he used to .
6 ‘ I did n't understand what he meant , and nothing happened for a few weeks , so I did not feel so worried .
7 If he did not feel so dreadful , Harry would tell the fellow just what he could do with his bedside wit .
8 The debate has moved on and new elements have crept in which make devolution attractive to many people who perhaps did not feel so strongly about it or were even hostile to it in earlier days .
9 I wrinkled my socks down so they did n't feel so tight , and closed my eyes .
10 ‘ If only I did n't feel so tired , ’ she said .
11 He wished his tongue was n't quite so dry and that the skin round his neck did n't feel so very tight .
12 This was better , this was music she knew , and somehow the room did n't feel so menacing .
13 Next day I did n't feel so bad and I made an appearance for a charity — I really had to do it — then went to visit a relative the following day .
14 He wished his mouth did n't feel so dry — the air conditioning was hellish at this time of year , but the temperature and humidity without it would be even worse .
15 Carradine helped me get out of the diner , but I did n't feel so bad .
16 She wished she did n't feel so — exposed in the yellow halter-top and tatty green shorts which had seen much better days .
17 Although she did n't feel so badly about him .
18 Found assorted English , Irish , American , German and French walkers having the same problem so did n't feel so bad .
19 She watched him for a moment , wishing she did n't feel so defensive every time he broached the subject of Arnie .
20 Tears misted her eyes as she stared back at him , wishing she did n't feel so confused , and heard him curse softly , as though the words were torn from him against his will .
21 It was so far from her real self that she might have laughed if she did n't feel so humiliated .
22 Besides , she did n't feel so wonderful that she wanted a boat ride to the mainland just yet , even if it did mean staying shut up here with only this moody man for company .
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